Chapter 2

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Kim POV:

I jumped up in my bed as I woke up in a sweat from the dream I had of my father attacking and murdering me. I had that dream very often after my mother passed away 6 months ago.

I'm Kim Garcia and I am 17 years old living in New York. I live with my psychopath of a father who abuses me everyday. My life sucks. My father even abused my mother also and he is the reason why she is dead. I hate him. He drinks everyday and it is a wrap after that, I'm beaten when I don't do one simple thing like not cooking dinner on time. Everyday I think of ways to escape and leave but it is impossible.

I throw my legs of the side of my bed and look at the time which read 5:46 am. I sighed knowing I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep and I had school at 8 so I decided to go on my phone.

I opened Vine first and the first thing that popped up was a Magcon edit. I don't understand why people obsess over the Magcon boys like yes they are attractive but drink up ladies!

I exited out of Vine and went to Twitter next when I saw a tweet from my best friend to Cameron Dallas.

Amy_Xoxo @Cameron Dallas "Good morning baby!"

I rolled my eyes and decided just to turn off my phone and get ready for school. I walked over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

Wow, I look like death I thought.

I decided to go natural with my makeup and I put on a little foundation, mascara and lipgloss. I went to my closet and threw on a sweatshirt, leggings and my converse.

At school

"Just another long day." I sighed to myself while closing my locker.

"KIMMY!" Amanda yelled while running towards me and giving me a hug.

Amanda has been my best friend since we were little kids. I could tell her absolutely anything except about my home life I just wasn't comfortable. She knew how hard it was for me when my mom died because my mom was the only person that I could go to without getting hit and put a smile on my face. I really appreciate Amanda cause she is a real friend unlike the other kids at school.

"Are you coming to dance class today?" Amanda asked.

Crap I honestly forgot about it and I didn't tell my dad.

"Uh yeah sure," I said hesitantly "What time is it ending today?"

She looked at me as if I just asked if she was a girl or a boy and said, "Uh 6 like always duh! Are you ok you seem a little distracted?"

I put a fake smile on my face and said "Of course now let's go to dance chica!"

To be honest I loved dance class and dancing in general. It was such an escape from everything and I could enjoy in with all my friends. Dancing was the one thing that could generally make me happy.

5 hours later

I laid in my bed after getting home from a long day of dance and scrolled through my phone when I got a text.

BooThing😘😘: Hey babe!

I smiled knowing it was from my boyfriend and texted back instantly.

Me: Hey boo what's up!

BooThing😘😘: Nothing much...come meet me at the park 😉

Me: K be there in 5 ❤️

I jumped up cause other then dance and friends, my boyfriend could distract me from anything. My dad wouldn't be home until 10 and it was only 8 so I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

I jogged to the park and looked up to see someone leaning against a tree and saw it was my boyfriend, Carter.

"Carter!" I called out.

He looked up from his phone and smiled. He walked over and pecked my lips.

"Hey babe," He said "Wanna sit on the hill and look at the stars?"

"Of course! Race you!" I sprinted up the hill.

Me and Carter were the best friend kind of couple. We met on the first day of freshman year and were best friends all through high school until finally I got the courage to ask me out during this summer. We have been dating for about 7 months not too crazy but we are in love. Yes it sounds corny but that's what we are. He has been getting famous on vine which doesn't bother me until some girl comes and asks to take 10378 photos.

"I beat you!" I stuck my tongue out at him.

Carter rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever babe I let you win!"

My breath was taken away by the sight of the stars. You never really see stars in the city but tonight they were perfect.

"Wow...they are beautiful" I said looking up at the sky.

"Just like you Kim."

"Aw ur corny!" I laughed while blushing.

"I mean it though," he said while pulling me into his lap so I stratled him "I love you."

He pulled me in for a kiss and I instantly smiled into the kiss. I deepened the kiss and our tongues battled for dominance. He flipped around so my back was on the ground not breaking the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck grabbing the ends of his hair making him moan quietly. He moved his hands down to the rim of my leggings trying to pull them down.

I pulled away and said "Carter no," I panted "You know I'm not ready."

He nodded his head in slight disappointment so I reattached my lips to his again. I moved my hands to his chest rubbing it down to his abs. He tried pulling my pants down again. I stopped completely.


"I know what your gonna say but don't tease me then!" He said angrily.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want-" He cut me off again by kissing me with a lot of force and swiftly pulled my pants down halfway.

"CARTER STOP!" I yelled trying to push him off of me.

But he didn't he weighed me down so I couldn't go anywhere.

"No," he whispered darkly "You've been saying this for a while, you're ready."

I've never seen him act like this and it was scary.

"Carter please let me go!" I pleaded as tears started forming in my eyes.

He positioned himself at my entrance and said, "No can do babe."


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Stay Bad😉-K

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