Chapter 4

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"You said what?! There's a leech trying to flirt with my cutie?!" Chaeyoung asks exasperatedly. She abruptly stood up and was about to walk away when she was held by Jisoo.

"Where are you going, young lady?" Jisoo inquires but Chaeyoung removes her arm from her grip.

"I'll go to that leech and teach her a lesson, old lady," she replied but the last two words didn't escape Jisoo's ear. Her eyes widen and here they go again.

"Old lady?!" She retorts.

Chaeyoung tsked, "You're older than us so it's normal."

"I'm only 2 years older than you!" She retaliates.

"See? You admitted you're older than me," Chaeyoung replies with a calm tone, and amusement was written in her eyes compared to Jisoo who'll explode any minute now.

"That's not the case!"

"It's the same," she whistles pissing the other more.

"It's not!"

Before I could see them gripping their hairs off each other, I walked away and settled myself on the corner of the rooftop. It's now dark so the city lights are visibly seen which gives comfort through the night.

I look at the sky and I saw the moon peeking through the clouds. It's shining brightly giving light to some who don't have a source of light and its bright light caught my attention.

I stared at it for too long that my eyes could still see its light even if I looked away. I could even still hear Jisoo and Chaeyoung's faint voice from the distance and now I remember how their bickering started.

Chaeyoung came back earlier after she did her task. She said she went to Busan to attend a wedding. Both Jisoo and I turned our heads at her when she uttered 'wedding'.

We asked her why and she said the High Souls tasked her to be a witness of a wedding because the couple's friends and even their family don't support the two of them getting married. Silly right? Because how could the mortals know someone had witnessed their wedding if they can't see the witness?

That's why we call it nonsense tasks for ghosts.

Chaeyoung didn't have to travel that far but the High Souls said the couple personally booked an appointment to have a ghost witness. It's my first time to know that the High Souls have connections to the mortal world. How intriguing is that?

Chaeyoung almost died of laughter when the priest asked the presence of their witness and when he heard no response and with a stuttering voice, he asked again but this time, Chaeyoung blew near his ear that the young priest almost run away. Such a scaredy-cat she says.

After she answered us, Chaeyoung asked what happened to our day and that's when Jisoo interrupted telling us dramatically that Lisa is dating someone. I almost smack her head when I heard that but Chaeyoung reacted exaggeratedly faster than lighting so I backed out. I'm not being dense here but I think she's attracted to my girl.

Lisa's still my girl.

But then, I remembered the scene earlier. Mina asked her out. I don't know what to feel. Of course, I don't want her to date other girls aside from me but how can she date if I'm not by her side physically? I'm already dead. And that thought pains me.

I want Lisa to be happy.

But am I ready to see her happy with someone else? Am I ready to accept the fact that someone other than me could make her smile? I don't know.

I know that being dead means we have no chance to be mortal again. Our loved ones cannot feel us anymore. There's that longing feeling every time we think of their memories with us and that pang in the chest when we realized it won't happen again.

Maybe that's what Lisa is feeling.

When I saw her tearing up upon looking at our pictures, it dawned on me. It still pains her. She may hide it from other people but when she's alone all by herself, the pained feeling is taking on her. And I don't want to see her crying by herself.

I returned my gaze at the city lights below. I slowly took a deep breath and dragged myself out of there. I don't have the will to jump off the building so I let myself float to the door of the rooftop.

Jisoo and Chaeyoung must've noticed my gloomy presence that their bickering voices stopped and their gazes followed my floating body nearing the door.

I easily pass through the door and head my way to the elevator. Luckily, someone entered and pressed the ground floor. I mumbled a small "thank you" even though he cannot hear me. The elevator reached the ground floor and I made my way outside the building and waited on the side of the road for a cab. I laugh silently. How could a ghost hail a cab? I shook my head.

I look to my left and I think this person beside me is waiting for a cab. It did not disappoint me because moments later, a cab stopped in front of us. The person beside me opened the door and I hastily entered and told the driver my destination even though he won't hear me. He didn't know a ghost was sitting beside him anyways.

I think it was my lucky day because the cab stopped almost a walking distance to where I am heading.

I'll visit her.

Suddenly, I became giddy about seeing her again and I hopped on my way to her door.

With a smile plastered on my face, I knocked on her door but my hand passes through it and it made me laugh off my silliness. Of course, I'm a ghost.

I entered but the lights on the living room were off. I almost thought she hasn't left her office yet but I saw a faint light in her room.

She's watching a drama on her big television screen with popcorn in her hands. I sat down beside her and locked my gaze at the tv. It was a funny tv show that I almost laugh my shits out but the person beside me didn't flinch even a bit. It was as if she was staring into nothing in particular and her focus is somewhere else.

What are you thinking love?

She grabbed the remote and turned off the tv. The lamp is on so I can still see her face.

Her phone lit up. She unlocked it and went to her gallery.

It's full of our pictures.

Then I caught one particular image. It was a stolen picture of me. I was so happy there. I think it was taken when I finally finished my exams taking off a load of stress I've felt on the exam week.

Lisa clicked on the picture. I can sense from her eyes the longingness she felt as she carefully traces her fingers on the phone.

"Mina likes me," she uttered. I waited for her to continue.

"You know I promised I will love you forever right? You know I would never love anyone the same way I do to you, Jennie Kim. I promised to be with you forever," her voice trailed off, her eyes watering and gently, her tears falling down. "But why would you leave me?"

I wanted to wipe off her tears and put her in my arms but I know I can't so I just continued to watch her cry.

"Please stop crying," I whispered almost inaudible. It pains my heart to see my love crying.

"I know it was selfish of me to wish for this but can I feel you again one more time? You know I haven't heard you said yes to my proposal," she chuckled. "Of course silly me, I haven't even proposed to you yet. You didn't even wait to be tied to me and it feels like you're running away," she laughs but I know it's full of pain.

"And now, I can't see you again. I can't feel you again. Every day, I'm convincing myself to live normally because I know when I get home, I had my hopes that I'll see you waiting in the kitchen wearing your favorite apron but I am just disappointing myself," she wiped her tears.

"Now tell me, my love, do you want me to find my happiness again?" That question. It breaks my heart hearing that from her. I want to live again. I want to feel her and be by her side again.

Is it bad to wish to be human again? I just wanted to be with her for one more time or even just for a moment.

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