Chapter 1

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Each meeting in this story will be told in the alternating viewpoints of Jai and Anaya, For example, the first meeting will be from Jai's perspective, and their next meeting will be from Anaya's perspective, and so on. Enjoy! Also, I do apologize in advance because I'm pretty sure most of the chapters from Jai's perspective are shorter... I'm not very good at writing from a boy's point of view. Sorry!

This story does contain mature language and mention of mature themes

June 15th, 2012 ・Jai

I took a large sip of water from my near empty bottle, shielding my eyes from the sun. The thick, hot air combined with the extremely boring tour was almost enough to make me fall asleep right here. Almost. Out of the corner of my eyes, I looked at her again. She slightly turned her head at me before looking away in a mixture of surprise and annoyance, pushing her hair back. I raised an eyebrow, amused. I edged a little closer, looking away in the other direction. She was definitely looking at me. I turned back after a few seconds, expecting to see her again. I searched the group for her, finally finding her near the front. She looked back again, clearly annoyed. I grinned back, causing her cheeks to flush with colour. Gradually, I made my way through all the people, before stopping behind her.

"Jai." I said, holding out a hand.

"Charming. If you'd excuse me..." She said, not even bothering to face me.

"And you are?"

"If I tell you my name, will you leave me alone?"

"Well, your chances are better."

She sighed, spinning around. "Anaya." After a pause, she added "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. Since we're talking," Anaya gave a small groan. "I have to admit, I'm a bit bored right now. Also, I have other things to take care of. Would you be nice enough to accompany me to the restroom?"

Anaya's eyes widened in disgust. "Seriously? First, we're seventeen, so I don't know why you'd even consider doing something like--"

"I'm just using the restroom, that's it. As of a minute ago, you're the only person I know here, and it would be pretty weird asking a stranger."

She seemed to be fighting with herself before bursting out. "I don't even know why I'm saying yes."

Smirking, I grabbed her hand, which was met with a fair amount of resistance.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Relax, I was helping you out. Obviously, you don't know how to make a discreet exit."

"Oh. Well, either way, I can manage on my own, thanks."

I shrugged. "Your choice. Follow me."


"Jai, do you even know where the restrooms are?" She said, still close behind. When she spoke, there was a hint of nervousness that wasn't there before. She was easy going, making conversation. That was when she probably believed me. I did feel a little bad about what I was doing, but at least it would give us more time for that same interesting conversation, so I carried on.

"Yeah, I saw them around when the tour guide was talking about them. 'Over here, boys and girls, is the particular restroom frequented by one of our most famous alumni, the guy in the hot dog costume on the corner of 5th and 26th.' Come on Anaya, pay attention." I stopped in surprise when I thought I heard her let out a small laugh.

"What's wrong? Why are we stopping?" She said as she noticed me slowing down.

I shook my head. "Sorry, my bad, I just remembered something important."

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