Chapter 5

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October 23rd, 2020・Jai

"When's your flight landing?" I texted, haphazardly stepping around my mess of room. I already knew the answer to that question, but anything to buy time, I thought to myself as I pulled on my shirt. My phone chimed, and I looked at the screen. She was smarter than I was counting on.

"You already know I landed. Come pick me up."

"Almost there." I hit send and laced my shoes, checking for her next text.

"You haven't left yet." I grinned. Of course she knew.

"Leaving now. Be there in 30, grab a snack while you wait." I slipped my phone into my pocket and swung open the front door, grabbing the keys on a nearby hook.

I parked in front of the entrance to an apartment building, waiting. He was late too. She wasn't going to like this, I thought. I pressed my hand against the center of my steering wheel, repeatedly honking until Kabir slammed the car window.

"Jai, shut up! It's 10 in the night!" He said, opening the car door.

"That's not exactly late Kabir, but whatever. Where were you?" I asked him, pulling out of the parking lot.

"Getting ready. You live ten minutes away, and gave me a call when you were two minutes away saying you were coming to pick me up. Speaking of, where are you taking me?"

"You remember that friend I told you about?"

"The one visiting today? Yeah, I remember her." He said, relaxing into his seat.

"Good. I'm setting you two up together."

"What? Jai, you can't just set people up like that, you need to ask first!" He said, jumping out of his seat. "Does she know?"

"Nope. But we were talking the other day, and she was complaining how none of the guys she's gone out with were right for her. So, naturally, I asked her what her type was, and she said Kabir."

"You told me about her? And she said I'm her type?"

"Well, not exactly. But I think she'd be into you." I counted with my fingers. "Sweet, smart, gentle, etc. Perfect for her. Just don't be too boring around her."

"Keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road, Jai!" Kabir said, gripping the side of his seat.

I laughed. "She's going to love you."

I slid into a long line of cars, filled with people waiting or meeting others just getting off their flights. I parked the car and got out, rolling down the sleeves of my sweatshirt as I stepped into the chilly air outside. I ran a hand through my hair, attempting to make myself at least look like I didn't just roll out of bed.

"How the hell do you manage to stretch a thirty minute ride into almost an hour?" A voice said behind me, opening the trunk of the car and heaving her suitcase inside.

I turned, grinning. "Hey, Anaya."

She rolled her eyes. "Could you help me with my stuff?"

"No, I'll just sit in the car."


"Kabir?" I called, pounding the roof of the car.

He stepped out, giving Anaya a tiny wave. "Hi, I'm Kabir, Jai's cousin."

She gave him a warm smile. "Anaya Sharma. Nice to meet you." She held out her hand, and Kabir took it, giving it a shake.

"Great, you know each other now. I'm going to wait in the car."

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