Chapter 1

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I am unable to breathe, the water keeps consuming me, again and again. My body is numb, even though I try to fight my way away to the surface the cold current of water is slapping me right in my face, my stomach is twirling in knots, a whirlpool brewing inside my stomach with all the salty water that I have swallowed and my lungs are ready to explode with the lack of air. I fight through my fear and remind myself, Elena you can do this, you have too. Gathering all the energy that is left in me and consciously ignoring the pain that is sweeping my body, I force myself to open my eyes.

Before I know it, I am gasping for air, trying to fill my lungs with the much-needed air. I can see Stefan's worried eyes glued at me, giving me time to adjust to my surrounding.

"Stefan", I whisper, my eyes shouting his name because I am baffled whether my voice is even audible.

"Hey, you have been in and out for hours", Stefan responded gently placing his hand over my numb body. Examining my surrounding I realized I was in my bedroom and but why was I here, what had happened, why was Stefan looking at me like the world was crumping down, what was wrong?

Gasping, panting, trying to hold on to some fresh air, I enquired "What, what happened?". Before Stefan could respond a flood of memories rushed through my mind making it harder to breathe through, leaving me shocked to anger to worried. Stefan was gently rubbing my hand, giving me a sign to return back to reality.

As soon I realized that I was in a car accident with Matt, I almost shouted, "How's Matt?".

"Alive" Damon sarcastically said. He was sitting at the couch near my bed, wearing his black leather jacket and his blue eyes I remembered how much I missed those strikingly hot face. What was I am doing I questioned myself, why was I thinking about him when I was barely aware of my own situation?

After Stefan handed over a glass of water to me, he and Damon explained to me how during the accident over the Wickery Bridge I have requested Stefan to help Matt first, being the gentlemen who always respect my choice he did but before he could help me it was too late. What did they mean too late, but I am here now? How can it be possible, before I could process it, Damon spat out words that changed my life "You're dead Elena, you had my blood in your system to when you died you actually became a vampire. You're in a transitioning period right now".

The world around me suddenly turned up its volume ten times higher, my head was throbbing, my body was hurting, the knots in the stomach were twisting drawing the colour out of my cheeks, making me look pale and before I could notice I was shaking, shaking violently that Stefan that to hold my hands to make it stop, but it didn't help. He drew me in a large hug but my eyes were fixated to the man in that black leather jacket, Damon. My mind started travelling, I knew the drill either I feed or I die there is no door number three. But I couldn't make a decision, I didn't want to think about it leave alone do the actions that followed. So, I let the thought drift away.

After I pulled myself together and Stefan insisted on cooking something for me to eat, I walked to the bathroom but before I could wash my face, a sharp wave of pain spread through my stomach, I clenched my stomach and mt eyes closed to fight the pain but before I knew Damon caught me in his strong arms. Oh! How I missed his scent, his blue eyes examining if I have got hurt anywhere. He carefully placed me in my bad and covered me in the sheet. I gave a slight smile giving him a signal that I was okay.

There was something odd about this connection, I was feeling something towards him. Damon and I have always shared a connection but this seemed different, some time had changed after the incident had happened. I looked at Damon who looked perplexed, he was racing with a marathon of thoughts, there was something that I didn't know, something large enough to disturb him to the extent that he couldn't stand still in a place. He was walking back and forth in my room when he was joined by Stefan who was holding a plate of sandwiches.

Stefan placed the dish on my side table and gently pressed a small kiss on my forehead. I began eating quietly, trying to wrap my head around the fact that I was a transitioning vampire, I had to feed soon to complete my transition or else I will die, this time for good. My sandwich was almost finished when I heard Damon's anger order Stefan, "We have to tell her, the earlier she knows, the better."

"No, we have already dropped a bomb on her today, I refuse to drop another right away", Stefan asked in his firm voice.

"Do what you please, I'll do what I have too," Damon said making his way towards the stairs. He was halfway down the stairs when he turned around and stated "You're just scared, what her reaction will be. Do right by her, she deserves the truth."

When Stefan came into the room, I looked at him in confusion and asked, "What was that all about?". As I asked him, a shiver crept my down and suddenly, I had the urge to throw up. I poured down the sandwich I ate in the dustbin that Stefan had just handed me. I threw up more than I had consumed, why on earth was I throwing up. I looked up Stefan was holding my hair and Damon was standing right in front of me, his expression was anger and concern pasted together. As I wiped my mouth, a tear left my eyes and I cried in a voice devoid of volume and energy, "What is wrong with me, why is my head aching, I feel sick to my stomach and everything is overwhelming, I don't understand, is it normal in transitioning?", I burst louder than a volcano.

"Someone please make it stop, I am tired", I continued. I whimpered and placed a hand on my pounding head and before I could utter a word Damon shouted, his voice empathic, "It's not just transition, you're PREGNANT".


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