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hwa lets out a groan, crossing his arms.

"you guys need to stop bullying seitarou. he's a sweet guy and he doesn't deserve your crap. he's just trying to earn a paycheck, guys," he scolds the other four, who either pout or frown at him.

"why should we? he's just one of the guards, and he's so meek! it's almost cute," uno protests with a whine, but he pouts once again when the younger teen fixes his glare on him specifically.

"he's just doing his job. how would you feel if someone made fun of you every time you were trying to earn money because you need it?"

that caused the group to go quiet, thinking over his words. which, evidently, gave hwa the chance to get out of the cell and lock it back up before heading in the direction seitarou had left down. coming upon the said guard crying pitifully with hajime standing a few feet away, hwa let out a sigh and moved to pat the poor man on the shoulder.

"it's not my fault i'm good looking!" he stops crying before continuing, saying, "maybe i'm just not cut out for this job. i should quit and look for something els-"

before the inmate could speak up to try and convince the guard not to, hajime punched the wall right next to the blue haired man's head.


"is that all the commitment you have to doing your job?"


"try a little harder, seitarou."


"if you can't handle this job, you won't last long anywhere," the supervising guard states, having turned away from both the inmate and his fellow guard.

"i don't think there are many jobs more demanding than this," the blue haired guard states pathetically, and while he didn't want seitarou to leave, he did agree with him. this was one of the toughest places to work in the world, so it kind of made sense that the younger guard wanted to leave.

"what i'm saying is, if you can work here, you can work anywhere. all right, then. i guess i'll have to teach you how to handle them."

hwa raises an eyebrow in amusement and curiosity, wondering just what the scarred man would teach to his newest underling. "r-really?! please teach me!"

hajime hold up a finger and smiles, saying, "first, if you do the following, their activity level will drop by 50%. starting with no.11."

"the one who talks a lot, yes." seitarou's comment causes hwa to wheeze, the boy cackling before calming down at hajime's look. he knew if he got too annoying, hajime would beat him up and send him back to his cell. thankfully, hajime tolerated him more than the others because he didn't actually try to escape or cause him trouble like his cell mates did.

"he's really crazy about women, so anything relating to them will grab his attention."

"ain't that the truth. uno's a giant fuckin perv."

"relating to women?"

"just hand him a survey snipped from a women's magazine or something."

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