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"gentlemen! happy new year!" warden hyakushiki booms from her private seating area at the top of the humongous stadium.

"something's starting all of a sudden," jyugo states blandly, subconsciously looping his arm with hwa's. the halfer boy just let him do so, wondering what the hell was going on.

"a party?"

"the warden is a woman?!" uno exclaims, earning a harsh bonk on the head from the older asian boy.

"you didn't know? dumbass."

"she's beautiful."

"let's get down to business. to celebrate new year's, we will now being nanbaka prison's traditional event. our new year's tournament will now begin!" the intimidating woman shouts for them all to hear. while hwa was indifferent of the situation, the other four were deadpanning in confusion. they hadn't heard anything about a tournament like this.

a different guard comes up next to the warden with a stack of papers in hand, saying, "i will now announce the participants from each building for the new year's tournament. "

"damn, that man is hot," hwa mutters under his breath, ignoring the weird glance jyugo sent him at the comment.

"the new year's tournament is an annual event where inmates and officers cooperate."

"a prize is given to the winning building and its guards," seitarou says after hajime had answered one of their cell mates, followed by yamato adding, "in our case, we get a bonus, while each inmate will receive any one item they want."

"what?! hajime! let us participate!" the other four shout in the mans' face, making hwa back away with his hands up in a nope sort of way.

"oh, crap. we shouldn't have told them!"

"b-but the warden gets to choose the participants," seitarou tries to calm the four down, only to get hajime's hopes shut down with the hot guard's next words.

"next, building 13 will be represented by cell 13."


sighing, hwa moves along with the others to where they'd be for the games.

"yo, hajime." their attention is caught by the guard who just walked over, and hwa's jaw drops at how hot the new older man was.

"to think cell 13 is representing building 13... what an unfortunate way to start the new year, huh?"


"building 5 will win this year. after all, cell 8 is representing us," the hot guard taunts with a determined smirk.

"i don't care about winning, but i won't tolerate losing to you."

hwa comes up behind hajime, staring at the shorter guard as he stage whispers, "hajime, is it against the rules for an inmate and a guard to be in a relationship?"


"but why? he's so fucking hot, dude!" samon flushes slightly upon hearing those words, catching the eyes of the teenager.

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