Getting To Know Him:Bennett

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(Part one)

Your adventure started with the infamous unlucky adventurer and your mind constantly wandered wondering what was the reason behind everyone else not showing up. You figured the best way to find out was to ask the leader himself. You had a good a mount to walk till you got to your commission area anyway.

"Hey Bennett." You started, the blonde haired boy excitedly turned to you, almost like a puppy. You began to regret wanting to ask, not wanting to upset the poor boy. "Why don't your other teammates want to join you? If you don't mind me asking that is."

Bennett's happy expression disappeared a bit as he thought about it. Seeing this your stomach dropped, feeling terrible for ruining his mood. "Ah, Im sorry for asking I was just curious you don't need to answer I just-" before you continued your rambling he cut you off.

"No, no, it's fine, my- I mean our teammates are just all on leave." He replied with a nervous chuckle. You didn't believe it but went with it not wanting to pester him about the already touchy subject. As you reached the commission area you finally realized what you were in for,

8 hilichurls
3 samachurls all of different elements
2 Mitachurls

Shouldn't be too hard right?
Yeah, not with the unluckiest adventurer alive on your team.

As you stopped outside the hilichurl camp to make a quick plan, Bennett went in head first not realizing how much of a disadvantage he was at. You sighed, knowing you'd have to get used to his impulsive actions and went in after him making sure to take down the samachurls first. When you finally got two of them down you had failed to notice the geo one behind you that hit you right in the back

And M A N did it hurt

"Mother FU-" You shouted but you censored your self and instead directed your anger towards the samachurl and put all your strength into your attack and knocked him down in one blow.

"Great job! But uh- a little help here?" Bennett shouted as he frantically ran away from the huge Mitachurls who were both barrelling towards him.

"You're in a crisis, I'm on my way." You said jokingly as you released your elemental attack which managed to slow the Mitachurls down. When Bennett finally caught his breath he helped you take them down however, you were both so focused on them you failed to notice the archer aiming right for you.

When you finally managed to take them both down, you looked to Bennett with a smile as you both tried catching your breath.

"I think that's all of th-" before you could finish your sentence the last hilichurl had shot you right in the arm.

"SON OF A-" You muffled the last word as you felt the pain shoot through your arm.
"Ohhoho, you sir, you have done it now." You said, absolutely fuming. You managed to climb up the tall structure using one hand, which was a lot harder than you thought it would be but you had no time to think about that now you just had to deal with this annoying little-

As you finally made your way up you stood behind the unsuspecting hilichurl, pure anger seeping out of you as you simply lifted your leg off the ground and kicked it of the platform. From there you let Bennett do the final hits as you made your way back down.

"Are you alright? I'm so sorry I let this happen I understand if you wanna get off my team now I can heal you and then you can just leave no questions asked." Bennett said as you looked at my wound. Your heart nearly shattered as you heard his words spill out.

"Bennett, I'm not gonna leave just cause I got hurt, it's not your fault you were preoccupied. Besides it made it more fun." You said optimistically as he looked up at you.

"So, you're not leaving my team yet?" He said excitedly.

"Bennett I'm not gonna leave your team. End of story." You said with a smile. His excitement coursed through him almost immediately as he felt the need to do a small little victory dance. Eventually he came back down to earth and realized he situation you were still stuck in.

"So, Im going to heal you but It's gonna hurt." He warned as he wrapped his hand around the arrow that had been stuck in your arm.

"Yup just give me a-" before you could finish your sentence Bennett had already pulled the arrow out leaving you a cursing mess.


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