Hogwarts AU: Venti Part 2

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Quidditch wasn't you're favorite thing to watch, you weren't entirely intrested in it but you'd watch it to pass the time.

You knew I'd you had joined the quidditch team nobody would ever get anything done.


Because Venti was on the Slytherin team.

You knew better than to join a competitive game with him while on the same team.

After what had happened last time you had decided to just stop letting venti get to you. He was always going to when if you kept getting angry every time he beat you, so instead you'd turn it back around on him.

You'd make him angry but not reacting.

You never planned for it to work so well.

Maybe a little to well.

Instead of being a competition every time he did something better than you you'd either smile in response, or you wouldn't react. The first few times you did this left the boy confused, he had never seen you smile at him before and although he wouldn't openly admit it, it made his heart flutter quite a bit.

But the more that this became a frequent response the angrier he got. Every time you had smiled at him, his heart fluttered, his face flushed slightly, and he lost his train of thought.

This wasn't the way HE planned, YOU weren't supposed to be winning HE was.

It excited him a bit that there was finally something that made him feel like there was a possibility of losing, but he was not going to let it get that far, he was going to gain back he's lead and he was going to stay there.

Or so he thought.

He had managed to catch you right before you had gon into your next class. You could see the determination festering in his teal eyes as he grabbed you and dragged you along through the hallways.

"Venti? Is there something wrong why can't I go to class?" You asked innocently knowing exactly what you were doing.

Right after you said this, he stopped in his tracks and before you had enough time to react he had turned around and pinned you against the wall.

You were taken aback by this sudden outburst of anger from the arrogant boy as he held your hands tight.

"Why. Wont. You. Get. Angry." He asked, practically gritting his teeth together. Shock became evident as you looked him up and down, the boy was furious, and that's all you wanted.

"Oh, Venti, Whatever do you mean?" You asked, feigning innocence this caused him to let go of you and groan. He covered his face out of frustration as he turned away from you.

You took this opportunity to go right up behind him, lean close to his ear and whisper.

"I win."

You could visibly see the shiver go down his spine as he turned to you.

"That's not fair." He pouted, his anger had been replaced by a sudden wall of embarrassment as he averted his eyes.

"Oh? And what happened to the cocky boy who was here just the other day?" You teased, purposely getting close to his face.

Now you understood why he liked annoying you so much, the feeling over power gave you a rush. He twisted around to keep his face away from yours out of embarrassment, not only did he lose his lead a head of you but now, you won.

Venti had never felt so defenceless before, unsure of how to react except out of pure embarrassment knowing that you would never let him live this down.

"Oh, venti?" You started, the way you said his name sent more shivers down his spine,
At this moment in time he was feeling many feelings he didn't even know he could experience, and you weren't helping them go away either.

He hummed in response to your question, still refusing to look at you, his heart was practically beating out of his chest. You were the only one who could ever make his heart beat this way and he hated you for it, or did he love you for it, he couldn't tell he just knew that YOU were the cause of it.

"Won't you look at me?" You said in a teasing tone, this only caused ventis heart to beat faster as he slowly turned around to you.

You two were now face to face once again except this time, you had already won.

You had lightly grabbed his chin as you leaned in towards him, seeing his face grow red faster than ever, but he didn't pull away instead he closed his eyes and waited for you to continue.

Instead of going through with what he expected, you swerved towards his ear and whispered once again.

"Unlike you, I know how to quit while I'm ahead." You teased as you backed away from the now fully flushed boy. His face was quite a dark shade of red while his hair glowed every so brightly.

You snickered at the once cocky boy as you bid him farewell and went in with your day, secretly wishing you had just leaned forward just a bit more.


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