Sentience Au (Part 4)

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How they react to you playing as them
(They're aware you can play as them, they just never actually expect you to do so)


Kaeya teases you about it CONSTANTLY.

"Well whose this handsome man?"
"My my, someones got good taste."
"I see you just can't take your eyes of me."


it's all in good fun though.


Diluc is a bit taken aback at first, he's unsure about seeing himself being used by someone else, especially with such a different demeanour.
Although he's impressed by how much damage you allow him to do to the point where he can just sit back and watch you deal with everything.


Be honest you play him just to look at his ass.

And he KNOWS this too.

He just stands and watches calmly as you just stay in one spot on the wall that you began climbing only to jump back off after a period of time without going anywhere.


You often fight Childe as Childe cause you find it funny. He isn't extremely weirded out by it but he often gets confused when he forgets that you're him and he sees himself sprinting straight towards him.

It's definitely an odd experience for him.


Albedo is just left to wonder why you only really change to him when you need to climb somewhere. It's quite odd to him but he doesn't question it, maybe he climbs the fastest? Perhaps you just like using him to climb?

We'll never know.

(spoilers for his story?)

Venti is honestly a tad bit put off by it when he sees you as him because all he sees is his friend.

It's him

But it's not.

He doesn't really know how to feel about it. He has noticed that you have similar mannerisms to his friend which is endearing but also hurts. He just tries to ignore it and remind himself that it's you, not him.


You know damn well when you pulled xiao you built him immediately. Normally xiao goes around and helps you with different things and carries you because he's basically able to do whatever he wants since he broke the game.

But now that you have xiao that's not needed.

You just constantly go on rampages on everything, but you don't use the ult out of fear of hurting him. He notices you don't use it and kind of finds it pointless since half the time it's the kne thing that'll end your battle FAR quicker than if you used someone else's.


Oh boy does he find it entertaining.

"Guess I'm not the one and oni now, but it's fine, cause it's still me!" He'd exclaim with a loud booming laugh.

He would plead with you to use Ushi so he could make them have a play date.

Itto also tends to grab a bunch of Onikabuto and tells you to stay still. Next thing you know, your character is covered in them. As he laughs hysterically, enjoying the picture.


Gorou is weirded out to say the least, he didn't even know it was possible at first so when one day you just randomly swap into him out of nowhere he nearly jumps out of his skin.

Although you found it quite cute that his tail puffed up because of this, he didn't feel the same way in the slightest.

While he would stand still, looking for a new place to find materials for you to grind, he'd put the map down only to find you circling him.

"Stop that, I'm not a dog!"


You surprised Thoma the day you got him, excited that he finally came home.

He was just standing there, waiting for you to finish wishing until out of nowhere you suddenly switched into him.

Immediately you started jumping around frantically, slamming the e move and attack buttons excitedly as he watched on in amusement.


You had been saving up for this man for MONTHS before hand, so when you finally got him you were beyond excited.

When you had showed kazuha the fact you had gotten him he was happy for you, a little surprised but happy none the less. He had taken the chance to begin teaching you how to use different moves in different ways.

The first time you ever used his elemental skill you swirled with pyro... which was a mistake seeing as you were both standing in a grass field...

When you realized that you had just set the whole vicinity on fire, you apologized profusely realizing that he had taken some damage to which he told you not to worry.

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