Auditions P.3

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3rd person Pov

"Wait- i didnt mean you did bad" Suga yelled towards him. But it was too late, James was already gone.

"*sigh* typical yoongi" jimin said.

" Sorry. You know what, No, im not appologizing for how i am. Im gonna go take a piss." Suga said clearly enraged.

James pov

As I walked out of the building, i could hear whistles coming from a group of men that were here for auditions.

"Hey, sexy hahaha" a tall man said

Even though he only said it once, it got me really riled up and before I could say anything, i felt myself charging towards him. As soon as i made contact , he grabbed my arm and pinned it back. Another man was about to run into the building when one of the others gave him a deadly glare. The man backed away, turned around and ran. The tall man had me in his firm grip and started dragging me to the alley right across from the building. He had his hand over my mouth so i couldn't call for help. He threw me onto the door of the alley and started undressing.

Yoongi pov

I went to the lobby instead of the bathroom so i could clear my head. While i was trying, i saw a man eyeing me with fear in his eyes. He looked to his side and his eyes widened and he ran away. I went to see what was happening and was horrified. James was being dragged into and alley by RedRum. The most dangerous gang with 4 members.

Junko was the psycho killer with a death glare.
Myrin was a tall and strong kidnapper.
Rico was a rich man with hundreds of body guards and hitmen.
Nico is Rico's twin and he is a black belt in every single martial art.

I ran back inside and got the rest of the guys to come with me to get james. We ran outside and suddenly he was nowhere to be seen.

" THERE" Taehyung pointed to an alley with 4 standing silhouettes and one on the floor. The tallest one looked like he was undressing. 

" COME ON DUMBASSES" Taehyung yelled.

They all ran over there and what they saw was shocking.

James pov

The tall man was now completely undressed and was trying take my clothes off.

" ha my names Myrin but call me daddy" the man chuckled.

Just then, i saw BTS behind them.

" Hey, jackass. Were you here for auditions because you forget about that. Thanks to your glaring friend, he led me here." Suga said.

" how did i do that?" Junko asked.

" Well i saw the old man running because of your glare and i came to check and here we are." Suga explained.

I took that as my chance to stand up. Since that man named Myrin was udressed, it would hurt more to kick him in the balls. I swung my foot back and ran it towards his balls as fast as i could and BOOM!!


He was rolling around on the floor while me and BTS ran away. After getting back to the building, they took me to their lounge and when taehyung tried to grab my hand, i winced loudly.

" Wha-? WTF!!!" Taehyung shouted." They fucking bruised you".

" We'll drive you home and you will get your audition results tomorrow." Jungkook said.

They drove me to my house and TJ was sitting on the porch crying. After looking up at me, he glared.

" What the hell is wrong with you. Could you atleast tell me before you leave the house without a trace." TJ yelled.

" HEY! Dont talk to him like that. He was just captured by RedRum." Taehyung informed him.

" THE RedRum of south korea?!!?" TJ asked shocked.

" yeah" I answered quietly.


" Ypu called him babe? You know that if you get in, you have to break up, right?" Taehyung explained.

" So you DID do it huh?" TJ asked furiously.

" Yeah, i did it." I said.

"FUCK, of course you did" TJ said.

TJ Stormed into house and i heard him cussing me out under his breath.

"B-bye" I waved goodbye before going into the house. I watched as they drove away throught the window before going to the living room and falling asleep on the couch .

When I woke up that morning, My whole body was aching and TJ was sitting on the couch watching Sweet home.

" The webtoon is better than the show" I advised.

" I wasn't asking" He said.

" Wha-" I was cut off

" I SAID I WASN'T ASKING!" He shouted." Go back to fucking sleep you asshole"

"TJ, I didn't mean for you to get hurt" I said.

" YOU KNEW WE WER EHONNA HAVE TO BREAK UP IF YOU GOT IN AND YOU DID IT ANYWAYS. SO YES, YOU DID" TJ yelled. He stormed out of the room. Just then, my phone rang.

" Hello?" I asked

"Hello. This is BTS' secretary and I have called to inform you that you have made it into BTS. Congratulations. " The person over the line said.

" I never even gave you my num-...You know what, I am honored thank you" I said

TJ peaked his head around the corner with a backpack on.

"I won't miss you " he said before heading out of the door

" Wait- I- *sigh* Goodbye" I said be he was long gone.

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