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A/N: TW!!!! yandere, killing, mentions of suicide, toxic relationships, and lights god complex. Misa had become obsessive over light and became unstable. This caused her to make stupid decisions, so Light wrote her name in his deathnote and gave hers to you after she died. You had been his childhood best friend and knew about everything because he had you cover for him a lot. This reader does not have a gender! so whatever you go by is fine.

You were sitting in Light Yagami's bedroom, quickly switching between news channels and writing down criminals' names in your death note. The lights were dim, but you saw Lights shadow looming over you, and he placed his cold hand on top of yours. "Don't write so much. You're hurting your hand," he says calmly. You now realize that your hand was aching but began to protest anyway. "It's fine, really, I can keep going. I don't mind at all, " you say, picking up your ink pen once more. Light sighs and closes your death note, putting it in the trapped drawer with his own. "But I was -" You start, but he cuts you off, "I said stop, so that means stop." You nod and look down at your sore hands, which were faintly illuminated by the soft light of the television. Light turns around his desk chair that you were sitting in oddly. You had never really cared for manners and norms. It was one of the many things about you that interested Light.

He takes a step closer to you and picks you up bridal style. He then walks across the room and sets you down on his bed. You look up at him, and he ignores you, pulling the covers over you and kissing you on the head. He hands you a book off his shelf before sitting at his desk. "You should rest, I can do the rest of the work," he says, while taking out his black book and writing in it. You nodded and rolled over, staring at the cover. "Haha! he treats you like a child, " ryuk says, mocking you while eating an apple. He was floating above you, so some juice falls in your eye.

You sit up quickly, dropping the book on the floor and holding your hand against your eye. "Holy shit ryuk that hurt," you groan. Light stands up and walks over, glaring at ryuk. "No more apples for a week," he says sternly. Then he turns his attention to you, "Are you okay? does it hurt still?" he asks, placing his hand on the side of your face. You nod and lean against him, your ear on his chest. Listening to the calm beat of his heart distracts you from the pain in your eye. The burn stopped, and both you and Light knew it, but you stayed like this. Him sitting on the edge of his bed and resting your head on his chest. Despite his cold hands, he was quite warm. Ryuk had left the room and went outside, so it was just the two of you sitting in silence with the faint buzzing and chatter of the tv.

"Light?" You called to him softly. "Hmm?" he hums in reply, "I know you're probably just using me, but I want you to know that I'm madly in love with you. And no, it's not just your looks, I've loved you for years. I would do anything you ask. If you told me to walk into on coming traffic, I would thank you and do it. I would die for you, Light. All I want is to help you reach your goal. I know I sound crazy right now, but light, you are a god to me. I cherish every word you say to me." Light doesn't respond right away. A suspenseful silence was between you. You pull away from him and look down. "If you think I'm weird, you can throw me away or even kill me. I don't mind, and I promise I'm not like misa, I won't get mad if you're with girls, as long as you're happy, I'm happy." Light stays quiet for a bit longer, then gently holds your face, bringing his lips extremely close to your own and whispers to you. "I might actually be falling for you y/n. I have a question first, though: " he interlocks his fingers in your hair. "What is it?" You whisper back desperately. "Can you call me your god one more time?" he asks bittersweetly.

"Light Yagami, you are my god," you tell him. He pulls your hair roughly, causing you to yelp "again," he orders. "You're my god." "Again!" he tugs your hair. You smile at the pain. "You are my god."


"My god,"


"My god!"

"AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN!" He screams with a crazed look in his eyes. You sit on his lap, pushing him down on the bed lightly. You lean down with your mouth next to his ear, your hands slowly running up and down his clothed body. "You are my one and only god, and I fucking love you. I worship the ground you walk on, oh my god, god, god" you say, dragging out the last word. Light flips the both of you over, harshly slamming your body against the bed. "You drive me crazy you know that?" He growls. You smile at him and nod, wrapping your arms around his neck "is this okay with you my dear god?" He nods yes, then crashes his lips onto your own soft ones. You use your arms and pull him as close as possible. You try to separate for more air but when you try, he kisses you harder. He's practically suffocating you and all you could do was whimper and moan. He pulls away breathing heavily, watching you gasp for air. A sadistic smile formed on his face and you looked up at him "thank you." His smile turns into a smirk "you really weren't lying" he says huskily. "I don't mind but, was that a test?" you ask while panting. He shakes his head "nope, you just really drive me crazy" you smile at him.

Looking down at you, vulnerable for him and only him, he can't help but stare. "Oh my god you drive me crazy" "why are you calling for yourself?" you ask genuinely. He chuckles and nuzzles his face into your neck. "Will you be my significant other?" he mumbles tiredly. "I think you know the answer" you giggle. He bites your neck "I want to hear you say it" a few drops of blood fall on his white sheets, but he ignores it. "Of course I will" you say, "good" he praises, giving the bite mark butterfly kisses. You moan slightly as he begins to suck on your neck, leaving bruises. He sits up, sitting at the end of the bed. You watch him sigh and run a hand through his hair. "Damnit" he curses under his breath. He stands up " I still have to get work done" he sighs tiredly.

He sits in his desk chair and puts away the Death note, pulling out a large stack of homework. He seems to get an idea and waves you over. You straighten out your clothes and waddle over to him, his comforter wrapped around you like a burrito. He pats his lap and you wait, thinking he was just drumming with his hands. He rolls his eyes and picks you up, putting you on his lap. You're straddling him with your head on his shoulder "I need your comfort, so stay here darling" he says with love.

Just then, Ryuk walks in "so you finally told him huh?" "when did you tell my shinigami you liked me?" Light asks. "It was when you were with misa and technically they never said they liked you. more so that they worshipped you, what a creep." Ryuk responds. You smile kindly at the shinigami before falling asleep with Light rubbing circles on your back. He whispers quietly in your ear right before you pass out "sleep well my queen"

A/N: Hey, so I just wanted to say that the reason light says queen is because he thinks of himself as the king and I feel like he doesn't care about your gander, you would still be his queen. also..... ryuk says spill the tea sis

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