Erza - fairy tail (the other version.)

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A/N: if you aren't my wifey then you don't need to read this. So if for some reason you aren't them and didn't read the chapter before this..... go read it.

It was a normal day in the fairy tail guild with Natsu and gray fighting, mira cleaning, and cana drinking. However a certain read head was acting very strange. Erza was sitting at the bar with her cake but was ignoring the sweet in front of her. She had been staring at the person a few seats down.

Noticing her stare, y/n gets up, sitting next to Erza. "Hello Erza" they say with a polite smile. Erza's face suddenly turns scarlet (see what I did there?). "Oh hi Skylar! Did you need something?" she asks, trying to brush off the fact she was staring. Smiling, Skylar nods "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later, just the two of us." Erza says nothing in fear of stuttering and instead starts nodding quickly. Skylar smiles softly at the armored girl in front of them. However the moment doesn't last long due to Natsu running over.

"Hey Erza, Sky! Lets go on a job!" He shouts, making you shrink back a bit. "Actually Natsu san, we already have plans" they say awkwardly, not wanting to hurt the mages feelings. He then reaches over and grabs their wrist tightly, beginning to drag them. "Natsu-" they start as he interrupts them "oh come on it'll be fun!" He says with a smile.

However he doesn't seem to realize that he is squeezing fresh cuts on Skylars's arm.

"Natsu!" they yell again, scratching at his hand helplessly.

"Natsu please stop! You're hurting me!"

At those words something in Erza's mind snapped. Within seconds, her fist collided with his face with a sickening crack. He then lets go of their arm, clutching his face. "What the hell Erza?! That hurt, I think you broke my nose!" He screeches. A dark aura forms around the requip mage as she shoots a deadly glare at the pink haired boy. "They said let go Natsu" she says darkly.

Skylar then grabs her hand, causing her face to soften. "Can we please leave?" they say, tears pricking their eyes. Erza nods lightly and guides them towards the door, kicking Natsu in the process. Once the two get outside Erza turns to Skylar and gently holds the arm Natsu had grabbed. "May I?" she asks, grabbing the end of their long sleeve. They nod and look away, not wanting to see her reaction.

Carefully rolling up the sleeve, she sees the cuts all the way up their arm. Some of which are red from irritation. Erza lightly touches one causing y/n to take a sharp inhale, tears of shame rolling down their face. "I'm sorry" they say, voice cracking.

Erza then places a hand on the side of their face, making them look her in the eyes. "Don't apologize Sky. How about we stop by my house and get these cleaned up so they don't get infected. Then we can go out like you wanted. Sound good?" She asks in a gentle voice that they have never once heard her use. Nodding weakly another tear runs down their face, only for Erza to wipe it away. Pulling down their sleeve once more, Erza tenderly holds their hand in her own warm one. They begin walking through the town, receiving a few weird looks but nobody spoke out due to being scared away by Erza. However just as they arrive at their destination, they see a certain blue haired man standing outside her house. "Jellal? What are you doing here?" she asks curiously. He then looks the two up and down, his eyes stopping to look at their intertwined hands. "Are you two... together?" he asks, disgust evident in his voice. Erza's face becomes annoyed as she pulls Skylar towards her, hugging their body close to her own. "What If I say yes?" she says pointedly as jellal sighs. "I would say it's wrong my dear Titania. A woman should never love another woman and-"

"Person" she corrects him.


"Not woman, person. They go by the pronouns they/them"

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