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When everything was ready, Ezra went downstairs and out into the street, where Miss Argent was waiting for him. Next to her was the carriage they were supposed to take to the Wundrous Society.
"Are you ready to go?» - the elder asked and held out her hand to the boy.
The coachman opened the door for them, and Miss Argent and Ezra got in. The carriage began to move slowly away from the orphanage, and Ezra decided to look out the window to see for the last time the place where he had spent his first seven years of life. It was only when the shelter building was no longer visible that he decided to take his eyes off the window and look at the woman sitting across from him, writing something in a notebook.
"Miss Argent, what the Wundrous Society looks like?" - Ezra asked, plucking up courage.
"Oh, I don't think I'll be able to explain this place to you in words. You'd better see for yourself when we get there. I will only say that it is quite unusual" - the elder said with a sly smile.
Ezra was puzzled by this answer, but he didn't ask any further. Indeed, he would soon see for himself. "It must be very beautiful there. Not like in the orphanage" - the boy thought dreamily. Then asked aloud:
"You said something about other children I will be studying with. They are also Wundersmiths?"
"Yes, you will learn with three more children, and they are all Wundersmiths. As your mentors" - Miss Argent nodded back.
Ezra was happy to hear those words. He might finally have friends. He couldn't wait to get to the Wundrous Society and meet everyone.
With these thoughts, he did not notice how he fell asleep. He was awakened by the soft voice of Miss Argent, who informed him of their arrival. Ezra quickly jumped up, already anticipating the upcoming acquaintance. After getting out of the carriage and pulling out their luggage, they walked along the paved path leading to the main gate of the Wundrous Society. Once on the grounds of the famous Wundrous Society, he was surprised to find that it was indeed a very unusual place, and especially the weather here, that , compared to the weather outside, was more ... more ... Ezra couldn't find the right word to describe what it was like, so he decided that the weather was just "more". As he approached the main building of the school, he saw that there were already seven people standing there: two children and five adults. Strange, Miss Argent said he'd have three classmates. Ezra shook his head to clear it. As they approached the group, Miss Argent exclaimed:
" Hello, here we are! Meet the new student of the Wundrous Society, Ezra Squall! " - Ezra nodded his head slightly in greeting and smiled.
Now he could see all these people up close. The two kids he saw from afar were a boy and a girl, and they were clearly older than him. Not much, of course. He would have given a boy about 9 years old, and a girl about 10. It was the girl who spoke first, dressed in a light summer dress decorated with daisies, and her hair, shining with gold, was braided.
"Hello! My name is Mathilde Lachance, nice to meet you, Ezra! " - she smiled and waved her hand in greeting. Ezra made a similar gesture.
"My name is Owain Binks, and I'm very happy to meet you, too," - the boy greeted him with a little more restraint and held out his hand for a handshake. Ezra shook his hand.
"I am also very happy to meet you" - he smiled sincerely at them.
"Well, now I think it's our turn to introduce ourselves" - one of the adults said. It was a man in his 40s, but Ezra couldn't be sure. He was wearing a dark green vest and brown plaid trousers. Her black hair was slicked back.
"I am Rastaban Tarazed, one of the teachers of the Wundrous Society" - he said, and then introduced everyone else. The teaching staff consisted of four other people: Brilliance Amadeo, Decima Kokoro, Griselda Polaris and Odbuoy Jemmity.
Suddenly Ezra heard strange sounds, as if someone was running down the path behind him, clearly in a hurry. He wanted to turn around to see who it was, but before he could, someone knocked him down. A second later, they were both on the ground.
"Oh, I'm so sorry! " - he heard a voice that clearly belonged to the girl - "I didn't notice you."
Ezra looked up to see who had bumped into him. Looking up, he saw a girl of his own age bending over him, looking at him in alarm. She helped him to his feet, and only then did he finally get a good look at her. The girl had red hair that was slightly tousled from running fast, and her eyes - oh, what beautiful eyes she had - were the color of a clear, boundless sky. Such eyes are impossible to forget. She was dressed in a blue dress, and on her feet were black shiny shoes.
Only a moment later, after making sure that the boy standing in front of her was okay, a wide smile appeared on the girl's face, and her eyes sparkled with joy.
"You're probably the new student everyone's talking about! My name is Elodie Bauer! It's so nice to meet you! " - exclaimed Elodie, already clearly forgetting about her unexpected appearance. Apparently, she wasn't used to being upset about anything for long.
Ezra shook his head, recovering from the recent collision, and returned her greeting with a laugh:
"Yes, I'm the new student. Ezra Squall" - he said with a slight nod.
"Once again, I'm sorry I knocked you down. I just forget about the time sometimes. And that's why I'm late almost everywhere " - Elodie said sheepishly.
"Yeah, our Elodie is like that» - Matilda laughed, rolling her eyes. Elodie made a funny face at her.
"It's okay" - Ezra said, not mad at Elodie at all.
"Well, guys, let's show Ezra where you're going to study" - Brilliance Amadeo suggested.
And the whole company went inside the building.

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