Sisters and brothers

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It's been 4 years since Ezra first joined the Wundrous Society. At first it was difficult for him, but over time he joined the company. Classes were usually held outside for safety reasons. After school Ezra and Elodie spent time in the library studying the history of Wundersmiths and the Wundrous Society. During this time they became very close friends and spent almost all their time together. The classes were interesting, but at the same time quite difficult.
Today a lesson was held at the Whinging Woods. Ezra, Elodie, and Matilda watched as Mr. Tarazed and Owain stood quietly near the trees, listening to something, their eyes were closed. It was so boring that Ezra started making funny faces at Elodie, who giggled at his antics. Finally, Owain broke down and said, turning to the silence-breakers:
"Ezra, stop that. Some of us are trying to listen to the trees".
"Some of us are trying to listen to the trees" - Ezra mouthed dramatically at Elodie behind Owain's back, and they both dissolved into giggles.
Owain just looked at them reproachfully and turned away, returning to his task. He was 13 years old. And he was always quite serious and believed that you always need to follow the rules. Ezra and Elodie were always rolling their eyes at this, and in a second they were running off again to make a prank.
Mathilde was like an older sister to them. She covered them as best she could, for that children were very grateful to her. They often spent time with her, asking her to show them some trick that they could not yet repeat. Matilda never refused them, she liked to entertain them. Every evening children gathered in a room and played various games, laughing and telling each other different stories. When holidays came, children went home to their families. Elodie always invited Ezra to her home. Her parents considered Ezra as a part of their family and were always happy for him. Ezra loved spending time with Elodie and her family. He was always ready to protect Elodie and support her at any time. And if he needed help himself, Elodie was right there.
After a lesson at the Whinging Woods Ezra and Elodie decided to go for a walk in the park, which was located nearby. For the beginning of autumn it was surprisingly warm outside, and the sun shone so brightly that it blinded the eyes. Two friends went to their favourite place on the edge of the park.
"It's so beautiful here" - Elodie sighed, sitting on the swing and swaying slightly. Ezra was lying on the grass not far from her, holding a blade of grass between his teeth.
"I like this place too" - the boy agreed.
"Ezra, you'll get into a fight with Owain someday, I guarantee it" - Elodie laughed.
"Is it my fault that he's such a bore?" - Ezra rolled his eyes and jumped to his feet - "Don't do this, don't do that, it's breaking all the rules. No, no, no" - he mimicked Owain. It turned out very similar and at the same time comical. So much so that Elodie laughed even more.
"You need to pay less attention to it. He's just worried about us" - the girl waved her hand - " Besides, you could not tell about all our tricks. Or do you just want to annoy him?» - she asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, that too" - the boy grinned and lay back on the grass - "Okay, when we'll come back, I'll definitely apologize to him" - Ezra said conciliatingly.
After these words Elodie calmed down and continued to swing. But the calm did not last long.
"Hey, Bauer! I see you're spending time with that orphan again!" - they heard an unpleasant voice.
A group of guys who were known to the entire the Wundrous Society were walking down the path toward them. Everyone knew better than to mess with them. So now Elodie and Ezra decided to just leave, so as not to engage in conversation with them.
But one of the boys blocked the way, preventing them from passing. It was their leader. Kurt Baker.
"Elodie, do you want to see something nasty?"
"We have already seen you" - the girl did not remain in debt.
The smile immediately disappeared from his face.
"Your sharp tongue will get you into a lot of trouble someday" - he hissed.
"It'll probably make a lot of trouble for YOU, Kurt" - Ezra said with a chuckle.
Kurt whirled on him, red with anger.
"No one gave you the right to speak at all, orphan!" - hissed Kurt angrily.
Ezra clenched his fists and started to answer, but Elodie stopped him by taking his hand:
"Don't pay attention. He's just provoking you" - the girl said, looking Ezra in the eye. After these words boy's anger immediately disappeared. Surprisingly, she could always calm him down.
"We have to go" - Elodie said curtly and turned to walk back with Ezra.
"Not so fast, we're not done" - Kurt snapped, grabbing her arm.
"Well, this is too much" - Elodie thought, whirled around and hit Kurt in the nose, whereupon he fell to the ground and grabbed his nose, letting go of her hand.
"Don't you dare grab my hand like that!" - Elodie said. This time there was a note of exasperation in her voice. For a few seconds, the guys just stood and looked at this picture in surprise. Ezra was the first to recover.
"Good punch!" - the boy exclaimed, looking admiringly at Elodie.
Meanwhile, Kurt's friends ran up to him and began to help him up.
"You will answer for this, Bauer! And you, orphan!" - shouted Kurt, glaring at Elodie and Ezra.
"Yeah, sure" - Elodie said indifferently and turned to Ezra.
They went without looking back, and only when they arrived in the Wunsoc, they dared to speak.
"We're going to be in trouble" - Elodie concluded, pursing her lips.
"You were just defending yourself. He asked for it" - Ezra put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a small smile - "So nevermind. You were amazing, but next time let me deal with him" - he added, frowning. Elodie hesitated, not knowing what to say. On the one hand, she didn't want Ezra to get into fights, but on the other hand, they needed to stand up for themselves if Kurt and his friends come at them again. And they were forbidden to use their abilities on other students. Finally, Elodie sighed and said:
"Okay, but I still hope there won't be a next time».
It was already dark outside, Ezra and Elodie went up to the floor where their bedrooms were located, said good night to each other and went to their rooms. Ezra entered the room and saw that Owain was still awake.
"Well, finally, I thought I'd go look for you. You were told not to go out late" - he said sternly, but at the same time there was relief in his voice.
"Sorry, we forgot about it" - Ezra muttered without looking up.
"What happened?" - Owain asked at once, sensing something was wrong.
"Oh, nonsense, we'll figure it out ourselves" - Ezra just waved it off.
"Did Kurt and his friends bothered you again?"
"How did you know?" - Ezra was very surprised by this question.
"Do you really think I don't know that they're bothering you?" - Owain put down the book - " Why didn't you tell us right away?"
"Why do you need these problems?» - Ezra asked after a moment. He knew that Owain and Matilda were just worried about them, but he didn't want them to get involved.
"Because we are brothers and sisters. Remember?  We're a family. We swore that we would always protect each other no matter what happened" - he walked over to Ezra and looked at him seriously - "That's why you had to tell us everything. We wouldn't let them even come near you. You have to trust us. Even if we can't always find a common language" - he added with a smile.
Ezra didn't even know what to say. He was very grateful to Owain. They might not always get along, but that didn't mean they'd leave each other in the lurch. And after Owain's words Ezra felt that they were a true family, the members of which would do anything to protect and support each other no matter what happened.
"Thank you" - he said heartily to Owain and smiled back - "And, yeah, I'm sorry for interrupting your class today" - Ezra apologized.
"Come on, forget it. We're kids, we're supposed to have fun. Isn't that right?" - and Owain, for the first time since he had met Ezra, smiled fervently. And guys laughed together.
"It turns out Owain isn't such a bore" - Ezra thought.
"Now tell me all the details of your fight with Kurt" - Owain said, sitting back down on the bed and inviting Ezra to sit next to him.
"Well, it's quite an interesting story. I think you'll like it" - Ezra replied with a chuckle.
"Well, I'm intrigued by you" - Owain chuckled back, already seriously interested. And Ezra began to talk, gesturing animatedly.
Boys sat and talked for a long time, sometimes chuckling softly. They finally found a common language.

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