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Ezra Squall. He was always alone. Since birth. He never has parents. In the orphanage everyone shunned him, considering that he is strange. He knew himself that he was very different from the other children , but he couldn't figure out why. Due to the lack of friends, he often spent time in the library, reading fascinating books. He always enjoyed reading, so he could briefly escape from the sad reality and immerse himself in a world full of exciting adventures. He could have been in the library for hours. And when he stayed there late, he had to go quietly to his room, so as not to wake anyone and not get caught in the eyes of adults. Lying in bed, the boy always loved to dream and tried to imagine what it's like to have a family and be loved, to come to your own home where you are waiting for loving and caring mom and dad, as they read you a bedtime story and kiss on the forehead saying good night. He so wanted to have real friends and someone to take care of him. But he knew almost immediately that he would never have it. But all the same, he fell asleep every time, melting the hope that one day there would be people who would truly love him and never leave him.
When he woke up this morning and looked out the window at the bright sun, he suddenly felt, without knowing why, that this was going to be a special day. His roommates were already awake and almost ready to go to breakfast. So he quickly pulled on a pair of dark gray trousers and a shirt and went to the mirror to straighten his sleep-tousled brown hair. Being satisfied with his appearance, he rushed to the dining room, which was located on the first floor of the orphanage. But he didn't get there in time, because on the stairs the superintendent of the orphanage asked him to come to his office. You see, he had some urgent news for the boy that needed no delay. So Ezra, with a grimace of displeasure, followed the superintendent. He didn't want to miss breakfast, since he hadn't eaten anything properly since yesterday's lunch, having skipped dinner because of reading. But he didn't have much choice. When he arrived at the office, he was surprised to find a woman sitting there. She was wearing a red long dress that matched her brown eyes, and her sandy hair was pulled back in an intricate coiffure on her head and pinned to the side with a rose. And seeing on her coat a gold pin in the form of the letter W, he immediately realized that she was from the Wunsoc. The superintendent immediately decided to get down to business and introduced the guest:
"Ezra, this is Miss Argent. She is one of the elders of the Wundrous Society and would very much like to talk to you. Miss Argent, this is Ezra Squall" - he turned to the elder.
The woman slowly stood up and walked over to the boy, who was already feeling a little uneasy about the arrival of such an important guest. She held out her hand for a handshake, which he immediately returned, and said: "Nice to meet you, Ezra. Mr. Pendleton (that was the superintendent's name) has already told me a little about you".
"It's a pleasure to meet you, too, Miss Argent" - Ezra replied politely. He was still nervous, but he had calmed down a little.
"Mr. Pendleton, would you mind leaving Mr. Squall and me alone for a while? I really need to talk to him" - she asked the manager.
"Of course, no problem".
And with that, Mr. Pendleton went out the door .
"Ezra, let's sit down so that we can talk more comfortably" - sitting down on a chair, she continued to say - "I think you already understood who I am and where I come from" - looking expressively at the boy, she said.
"Yes, I realized it when I saw your pin" - he nodded at the pin - " These are not often found. Especially here " - Ezra added.
"Yeah, that's for sure " - the woman laughed.
Ezra found her laugh pleasant, and he was beginning to like her more and more. He smiled back at her.
"Tell me, Ezra, do you know who are Wundersmiths?» - Miss Argent stopped laughing and asked seriously.
"Of course" - Ezra said. How can you not know about the most powerful people? They are almost everywhere written about. He always liked to read about them, about what miracles they do and how they help people. "These are people who can control the wunder, transform everything around with it. Capable of changing the world " - the boy finished almost in a whisper.
"Yes, that's right. That's why I came here. You turned seven this spring, didn't you?" - she asked.
"Yes. How did you know?" - he looked at her in surprise and already a little wary. How could she know when it was his birthday? They barely know each other. It seemed strange to him.
"Oh, don't worry. Wundersmiths born on the same day. Unless, they may differ in age. For a year, two years, and so on".
Ezra stared at her, already guessing what she would say next.
"I suppose you can already guess why I'm telling you all this " - Miss Argent sighed - "You are special, Ezra. You are a Wundersmith. And today I'd like to see you come with me to the Wundrous Society and was there to learn together with other children to control your abilities under the guidance of experienced teachers. I need an answer right now. You agree to study there?»
Ezra sat and listened with bated breath. He couldn't believe this was happening to him. He never thought he was special. He knew there was something wrong with him, of course, but he would never have thought that he was a Wundersmith. And when miss Argent invited him to go with her to the Wundrous Society and learn to manage the Wunder, he already knew the answer to her question. There was nothing to keep him here, and yet he wasn't quite sure it was true:
"Miss Argent, you really think I'm a Wundersmith? What if you've got something wrong? " - said Ezra uncertainly.
"Of course, I'm sure. Well, if you want to be sure of the truth of my words, then let's do this: tell me, do you have any song that you know by heart?»
Ezra was surprised by her question because what does a song have to do with whether he's a Wundersmith or not? But he answered anyway:
"A song can be any? "
" Yes, what is pleasing to the soul".
He tried to remember at least one song he knew. Only one came to mind. He heard it when a boy, Artemis Crow, sang it to scare the younger kids before sleeping. Ezra was also a little intimidated by her tune, but he didn't know any other songs. So, clearing his throat, he began to sing softly:
"Little crowling, little crowling, with button-black eyes
swoops down into the meadow, where the rabbits all hide..."
«What should happen?» - Ezra asked, pausing.
"Wundersmith causes Wunder with singing. So keep singing until your fingers start to tingle, but even then don't stop" - Miss Argent advised.
Ezra only nodded in response and continued singing:
"Little rabbit, little rabbit, stay by mother's side" - after this line he suddenly felt a slight tingling in his fingers and saw something golden begin to curl between his fingers. He looked at Miss Argent, who gave him a slight nod, inviting him to continue.
"Or the crowling, little crowling, will peck out your eyes " - Ezra finished, admiring the gold thread curling around his hand. As if he knew what to do, he instinctively shook his hand, and the thread vanished. He sat in silence for a few more seconds, taking in what he had just seen, and looked at the elder:
" This... this was wunder?"
"Yes, even though I didn't see it, but I can say with certainty that it was it" - she answered the boy's question.
"Why didn't you see it? "
" It can only be seen by the Wundersmiths themselves " - she thought for a moment - "Well, and the witnesses".
"I agree to go with you to the Wundrous Society!" - fervently exclaimed Ezra - "I want to learn how to manage Wunder".
He was so happy that for once a genuine smile appeared on his face.
"In that case, I'll give you two hours to eat, pack, and say goodbye to everyone".
They stood up, and Ezra ran down merrily to breakfast and get everything ready for departure, he had few things and no one to say goodbye to, but he didn't want to tell the elder about it. Miss Argent, meanwhile, remained in the office with Mr. Pendleton to discuss all the details.

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