Chapter One Hundred and One - He begins his recruitment

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The clapping sound resounded around the large arena, hinting at some mysterious force behind it, for the pair of hands that were performing the applause were slender, elegant and the effort refined. They belonged to a man that Bowyer naturally recognised as he restrained himself from rolling his eyes.

"That was stunning, young lady," the man's focus happened to be upon Pria, who looked startled in the first moment, yet on guard in the next. The shyness she expressed when glancing at the one in her heart had faded and she resembled the strong martial artist she actually was. If Bowyer had to say, he would have stated that he preferred her this way, but still not to the extent where he would become her beau.

Unheeding the sway of the currents in the air, the man continued to praise her; "Your sword play is quite elegant, a touch raw perhaps here and there, but I see that you have excellent potential."

There are few people that do not like accepting praise, Pria was not one of those and despite attempting to retain an amicable yet slightly indifferent expression, the tips of her ears reddened even as her eyes sparkled with pride. "My skills are only just so, I daren't accept such praise."

"Hey," murmured a second familiar voice behind Leon and Jin Li who were observing on the sidelines, "what's going on?"

Jin Li clicked his tongue and crossed his arms about his chest. Yet another interrupting, when was this whole thing to be done with so he could take his small alchemist away to attend to more interesting matters...? Leon glanced back at Sun and shook his head as he responded to the former's question. "I'm n-not sure." He stuttered through a brief explanation on how Maimai was assisting Bowyer to help the other girl with some techniques, but then this man appeared from nowhere to begin praising the girl's skills.

"Maimai can fight?" Sun questioned, his eyes wide as he re-evaluated the girl he knew was prone to blowing up cauldrons. He did recall following his words that she had a fondness for weapon, like himself, but he'd assumed it was like how some girls liked jewels and accessories and other girls liked musical instruments or whatever.

"I wouldn't call it fighting," Jin Li was never generous with his praise and he'd also laid some blame squarely on her shoulders for some things, hence his low evaluation.

Maimai sneezed suddenly, catching the attention of Bowyer and the other girls. Bowyer stepped forward to offer her a handkerchief, asking if she was alright. She waved away the silk cloth under the envious eyes of others before taking out her own and dabbing lightly her nose. "I'm fine," she smiled in return. "I suspect someone is just speaking behind my back." Instinctively, she looked over at Jin Li, but he did not meet her gaze.

At her words, the young man turned to Pria and quickly asked; "Shall we continue training? If Maimai is feeling under the weather, we might need to change your sparring partner though."

"No need," Maimai reassured them both, noticing the hint of frustration in the other girl's eyes.

"Indeed there is no need," the aloof, older man agreed with her, but his context clearly held different meaning. His eyes glancing over her, Maimai felt that they held a distinct disdain with in them that caused her to frown. She didn't know this person, so what was with his attitude?!

"Headmaster, with all due respect," Bowyer stepped in, his tone cold, very unlike the man that they all knew. "This training session was requested by my junior in order to help her gain another perspective on a set of sword moves. While Pria has made improvement, I feel that it would be in her best interests to continue. This isn't a formal session, but Pria is not your student. Please don't interfere."

Pria couldn't help but feel a chill down her spine. Was this still the strong martial artist with the jovial and kind manner that she had always looked up to? She wasn't sure how she felt about this unexpected side of him, which gave rise to some confusion. Wasn't he being a bit rude to the gentleman who'd just offered her a bit of praise in passing?

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