Chapter One Hundred and Seven - I experience Deja Vu

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Deja Vu.

That was what Leon experienced with a slight shudder as he stepped through the door of the shop. In the late summer of the previous year, when the relationship between himself and Jin Li had been verging on the ambiguous, although he'd still been considered half a servant at that time, Leon had stepped through shop doors to a similar scene. Of course, there were differences.

At that time, it was Mr Clawse not Ursam who had been confronted by this pair.. or at least he thought it was this pair, he recognised the scorpion robes rather than the individuals, and Jin Li had not been with him. And at that time he'd been holding lowly clear spiritual pills amongst other things, which had convinced them he was not worthy of their attention. Perhaps they did not remember him?

His stomach sank as the woman's eyes scanned over him before narrowing in thought.

Ursam spoke quickly in an attempt to divert their attention. "Listen, although this humble shopkeeper cannot help you with the matter that you spoke of, I do have many wonderful pills in stock! In fact, I am one of the few in town to be able to sell the variant Energy pills directly! Perhaps you might be interested in these instead?"

"Humble?" Jin Li snorted beneath his breath, but though he said this, he did catch Ursam's roundabout words. He did not know the Xie Wei Sect, he did not know their reputation nor general manner, but he was not stupid. He had also seen the tiny flinch his lover had produced as he'd stepped through the door to see these two people. Ursam said they wanted pills, his small alchemist instantly became alarmed at their presence. His alchemist was the only source of certain unique pills and seeing that Ursam had stated that the pair had not enquired after the variant Energy Pills, then it was likely they sought those variant Blood pills instead. Well, he could be wrong. His small alchemist was a nervous rabbit after all.

He was not wrong.

That woman did not take her predatory eyes of his small alchemist and instead languidly spoke a few words; "So, this student of the Institute supplies you with his pills as well."

"Students without wealthy backgrounds need to make money some how," Ursam reminded her. "I feel pity for them, so whenever there is space upon my shelves, I try to sell a few things for them."

The woman glanced slyly about. "There doesn't seem to be much room on any of your shelves," she pointed out.

"Indeed! It's a shame that I won't be able to help this time," Ursam stated matter of factly, while his eyes flickered for a moment in Jin Li's direction. If he had the ability to send Jin Li a written message in this stare, it would have read; 'Take your man away quickly.' Unfortunately, there were no words. However, Jin Li still managed to understand. He even chose to obey them, while thinking if it were just himself, he would never flee from battle. But he didn't want his small alchemist hurt, so he grabbed Leon's hand.

"Then this Lord and alchemist will return another day," he bowed slightly before tugging Leon towards the door. He failed in his retreat.

Just as he had been momentarily (very momentarily, unlikely to ever happen again) in tune with the pervert, the burly man was very much in tune with his woman. He blocked their way as the woman called for them to wait.

"I don't believe that you dear students need to leave so swiftly," she offered a smile that seemed warm but a little sinister at the same time. "Don't mind us, conduct your business first."

"No, no," Ursam attempted one last time to protect the golden egg that was Leon. He favoured this constant source of income! His wife would beat him silly with her broomstick should he lose, hurt or otherwise inconvenience the youth who she'd grown fond of! Worse, he might have to sleep in the shop again! "It's as you say, my shelves are full!"

"Take out the things you wish to sell," the woman encouraged Leon, fixing her dark eyes upon him. He shivered, thinking he could see a cold flame within them, but slowly pulled out a jade bottle from his interspatial bag. It was snatched from his hand by the burly man and Leon couldn't help but let out a slight squeal. He felt Jin Li's arms pull at him and carefully he was sheltered behind his lover's back. He grasped Jin Li's hand and squeezed it gently, trying to convey that he was fine and that Jin Li needn't worry.

As he tried to restrain Jin Li's fury, the woman had taken the jade bottle from her companion and opened it. Leon's heart raced in his chest, his eyes unblinkingly fixed upon the open bottle as a familiar and slightly rusty scent oozed out of it. The woman frowned as she glared into the bottle of muddy red pills, before replacing the stopper and tossing it back towards him with a look of disdain. Jin Li caught the jade bottle as the woman muttered; "Really only worthy of pity."

Leon released the breath his was holding slowly as he hid the triumphant expression in his eyes by staring at the floor.

"Come." Deciding that she was wasting her time here, the woman commanded her companion to join her and together they stormed out of the door. "Don't think this is over!" She left a parting shot aimed at Ursam.

The pervert sighed. "High maintenance and too unpleasant a personality, a shame. She'd be almost as pretty as my wife if she wasn't so... ah Leon, Jin Li!" He glanced at the bottle of pills still in Jin Li's hand with a slightly bewildered expression. "Those burning energy pills... it's not like I can't purchase them, as a favour, but... well their not exactly of decent quality, I really can't offer you much."

"Ha ha," Leon laughed with a small breath of both amusement and relief, before glancing over his shoulder to make sure there was no sign of that pair from that sect.  He claimed the bottle from Jin Li's hand and unstoppered it, releasing once more that slightly rusty scent.  He poured the contents out onto the counter surface, watching as the pills rolled away from each other and making sure none fell and spoiled.  One by one they became as crimson as the bright red robes that woman had been wearing, with the exception of the last.  The scent also altered, becoming more firey and spicy, smothering the little rusty smell remaining.  He picked up the crimson pills one by one before placing them back in the jar and only the mirage pill remained on the counter.  "These six are B-Bursting B-Blood Pills," he grinned, happy that he'd decided to add the mirage pill to these pills in the end.

But unexpectedly, Ursam didn't look pleased, in fact he looked a little horrified, his eyes not tearing themselves away from the trick pill.  "This pill..." he pointed to it, but a distance remained between his finger and the offending object.

"It's c-called a M-Mirage P-Pill," Leon advised him, tilting his head slightly confused about Ursam's reaction.  "I j-just recently learned t-to m-make them."

"Ah ha," Ursam's laugh was without mirth as he looked up at Leon and the man behind him.  His eyes widened as if in realisation and Jin Li caught him staring at him, so raised a brow in question.  Ursam chuckled sadly once more before turning his attention on Leon.  "You really shouldn't learn such... dastardly things.  Bad for you.  The people that teach them... well just don't learn from them.  Okay, perhaps just this one pill, it did have its uses, but nothing else, understand?"

Leon nodded... even though he had no understanding at all.

Jin Li caught Ursam staring at him again, looking a bit unhappy.  He sighed.  "I don't look like him you know," he told him, as he did understand Ursam's reference.

Ursam chuckled mirthlessly for a third time.  How had he not noticed before?  After all, the shape of their eyes and brows, that way of looking down on others as if pitying people for not being so great, wasn't it all the same?  They even had the same taste in preying upon little rabbits!  It was no wonder that bastard had returned to the area when he'd thought that he'd not have to cross paths recently with him for at least another half year!  Hadn't he mentioned something about his grandson and grandson-in-law then?  Ursam's eyes fell upon Leon and this time, he was the one to look down on someone with pity.

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