Chapter Seventy Seven - Everyone knows of our relationship

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A silence fell over the group.

Tong Fang were a type of servant, girls who had been chosen to 'educate' young Masters in the matters of the bedroom and later warm their beds and service their needs.  They were not concubines, who would still generally marry into the house by some means or other, but they could be elevated to a concubine's status should the young Master and his parents agree to it.  So they were lower than a concubine and they still had to go about other servant duties.  They could also more easily be reassigned to other parts of the house, effectively being 'demoted' from their position.

So despite Tong Fang being told it was an honour to serve their Male masters in that manner, if they displeased their Masters or if their Masters no longer wanted them, they had less hope of a future than an actual concubine, who might at least be able to rely on their children.  Servant girls still had hope of elevation beyond their status, however, so would seldom deny the position if offered, despite its dubious nature.  Tong Fang were acknowledged by all, but quietly, behind shut doors.  They should not be seen or mentioned in public and certainly, young unmarried misses should not openly discuss those matters at all.

The General frowned with disapproval, Leon paled and Maimai became angry, while Sun flushed pink and green, his complexion as myriad as his thoughts.  His friends relationship was much deeper and real than a master and tongfang, but husband and wife would share intimacy... how did two men share a bed?

Merylin looked horrified and her hand itched to slap Carmen, but she could not do so in front of the girl's elder so could only curl fingers into a fist at her side.  "You... you... this girl never thought of insulting seniors nor fellow students with such low accusations!  I merely wished to remind others that the Institute does not recognise Master-servant relationships!  I feared Jin Li's reputation would be damaged should others believe he treated Leon as a mere servant within the Institute!  Such could have him suspended or expelled!"  She turned to the elder, General Ramas and bowed slightly.  "Please believe me, sir General, I intended no ill will to your grandson!"

"No need to apologise," the General said, still unhappy with his granddaughter's behaviour.  He would have to speak to his wife about getting her a Teacher of etiquette and oversee teachings regarding the cultivation world himself.  She was far too spoilt and wild! 

He glanced over at the pale youth he'd become interested in and the tall man beside him.  It was too easy for others to assume that they were indeed Master and servant, due to Leon's submissive, obedient nature and Jin Li's arrogant elegance.  But he had long since been aware that their relationship was not so simple.  Even now, Jin Li's arm curled about the smaller man, protectively.  And just as he was thinking how he should entice Jin Li to clarify the situation between himself and the alchemist, Jin Li began to speak;

"Leon is neither servant nor tong fang," he seemed to spit the latter word with heavy disdain, clearly his own stance on such a servant woman.  His eyes then softened slightly and his lips curled upward a little as he declared; "He is my Dao Companion."

Several loud breaths were drawn in sharply.  Jin Li moved much more quickly and decisively than anyone of his friends had imagined!  They were torn between congratulating him and calling him an idiot!  Dao Companionship was a lifetime matter!  And who were Jin Li and Leon but two teenaged youths?!

The General also looked a little worriedly at the young men, happy in one sense that Jin Li was not the sort to mess around his future adopted grandson and unhappy that Leon's fate had been tied to the other at such a young age.  They were not like mortals, the years ahead of them were fathomless.  And even if Leon became unable to Cultivate beyond core formation, he would no longer be able to retreat and experience a simpler life.

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