Chapter Four - He is the pride of the mage school?

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Jin Li and Leon were not the only ones to experience some disturbance before their journey had even begun.  Sun had deftly claimed three cots all side by side and was cleverly parked upon the centre one, even though he knew he would have to give that up once Jin Li returned with Leon.  Only during school weeks, when learning new techniques and training seriously, could that overbearing Martial Artist bear to be away from his small alchemist!  So many public displays of affection, thankfully, the majority was behind the closed doors of Leon's humble home or others would have to suffer glares and perhaps the sword of an angered Martial Artist!  Really wasn't looking at your little lover, honest!

Even Sun and Leon's best friend, Maimai were not exempt from causing Jin Li to eat vinegar on regular occasions!

So, for now, the three cots had, in turn, Jin Li's things (which he'd forced upon Sun before following Leon like a shadow), one brown-haired youth and Sun's luggage, which happened to be a full chest in outside space.

The space within an interspacial container was just enchanted space, allowing it to be several times larger than in reality.  But there was a limit, for the original space wasn't that large after all.  So for increased needs, if one didn't want to spend half a country's wealth on a rarely obtainable celestial quality pouch, one needed a container that was larger and could contain that much more enchanted space.  The space in Sun's chest could be measured to be the same as twice the size of Leon's house and that was due the fact that it was of average quality and expense.  It was a gift from this young master's mother, who feared that he did not have enough clothing, armour, accessories, blankets and toiletries for when he attended school and that did not include the boxes upon boxes of medicines just in case he caught sick.

The room within the undercarriage actually had a total of six cots, with the space between the cots being no wider than Jin Li's thighs.  It wasn't any different to any of the other rooms in the undercarriage, except that Sun had quickly claimed half of it for he and his companions.  A head peered into the room and called back to others out of sight;

"This room has enough beds!"

Four youths came sweeping in and following frowns and whispers, went to sweep Jin Li's things from the cot. 

"Hey!" Sun exclaimed, furiously.  "Can't you see that cot has been claimed?!"  The four youths turned to sneer at the boy.  Collectively, they did not look much older than Sun, the youngest still having similar bloom of childhood still in his cheeks.  Most likely they were also students of the Institute, but Sun did not recognise any of them, so doubted that they were martial artists.

"So what?" One, who was two heads taller than Sun replied.

"I see no claimant," another smirked and leaned down once more to sweep away those things.  Actually, it was just Jin Li's overcoat and a interspacial bag about the size of a satchel.  This is what Leon had packed for his lover.

The coat was fox red and midnight black, made of suede and fur from beasts Jin Li happened to hunt with Wu Ye.  He usually gifted such quality skins to Leon, usually with the line that he happened to have excess and these weren't worth selling for money.  Leon knew a talented tailoress in town and asked her to make them into an overcoat for his man.  The result was worthy of a noble's purse, black suede made up the body of the coat with red fur about the neck and cuffs and two embroidered koi curved up the front panels.

That the youths would have the arrogance to touch such a coat indicated that they had a background that they considered couldn't be challenged.  But who was Jin Li?

"Tch," he clicked his tongue as he entered the room unannounced.  "Do you see this Lord now?"  He strode in and stood before the cot with his things upon it, then glanced towards Sun.  "Move."  Sun rolled his eyes and vacated the cot he sat upon.

"This Lord?" One of the other youths sneered.  Didn't see nor hear the smaller youth with yin yang hair sighing as he came to witness this scene and quietly enter the room.

"Seeing as that cot is now vacant," the tallest youth did not so much suggest as demand, "you can now move over as well.  This cot is required by us."

Jin Li ignored them and proceeded to lie upon his cot.  "Leon, you may serve this Lord tea.  And snacks."

Leon simply rolled his eyes as he walked over to his cot, but the four youths attention was still wholly on the 'ignorant bastard' before them.

"Have you no wish to live?" The plainest of the four suddenly piped up.  "Here is the Young Master of the Ibis clan and the pride of Mage School, Luchus.  What are you to not give way to us?"  Sun glanced over and saw said Luchus posing 'majestically' and suddenly snickered behind his hand, but said nothing.

His comrades were not, but Sun was aware of the Ibis clan which was located in Cenapar City, as was his own family.  It was not actually a large clan, but it had made its presence known as a clan of mages, just that theirs was suppressed by the Cygnus clan who boasted several famous mages, enchanters and scholars throughout history.  In fact, if he recalled correctly, the top student in the Mage Standings just happened to be from the Cygnus clan... so what 'pride' exactly was this young master?

"Noisy!" Jin Li muttered, giving them no face.

"J-jin Li?" Leon murmured softly, now making others aware of his presence.  "Is Umber leaf t-tea alright?"  Umber leaf was a purchased flavour that Jin Li had considered adequate. A soft yawn escaped Leon; it was too late to prepare any medicinal tea Jin Li had come to favour now, too time consuming.

"It will do," Jin Li declared with a dismissive gesture.

"Give it up," Sun said aloud as the four youths looked fit to explode in anger.  Indeed, there were tendrils of spiritual energy wavering up and down Luchus' body as his magic leaked thanks to his tested temper.  "We were here first, Young Master of the Ibis clan and the rules are first come, first serve.  Hmm, perhaps your clan ought to spring for a room on the upper carriages next time?"

"Everyone needs to settle down," came a voice of a griffin attendant at the door.  "We'll he leaving shortly!"

In the end, the Young Master sat down on the furthest cot and had the youngest of the four take a bed beside his, while the two others located cots elsewhere.  The remaining cot was claimed by a late comer, who just nestled down in the first available space, ignorant of the tensions.

"I will remember this slight!" Luchus muttered, before turning over to sleep.  But if Jin Li heard him, he made no note of it, too busy finishing his cup of tea and devouring most of the snacks before pulling Leon on top of him to rest throughout the journey.

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