Yandere King Eret x Reader

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This was requested by Infinity_sans and the decided that it's king eret. Because of this, welcome to one of my favorite aus, the medieval au! I hope you enjoy.

Second person POV

You were currently locking up your shop for the evening, in your fancy outfit that you had made(whether  you made it yourself or someone else made it) and started heading to the castle. Why? Well the king was having and ball to pick someone to wed. This meant that everyone in the kingdom had to attend the ball. You didn't really care since you already had eyes set on your friend Wilbur but that was besides the point. You soon made it to the castle to see your friend Wilbur waiting for you in the doorway.

You walked over to him and smiled as you said, "Good evening Wilbur." to which he replied with, "Good evening (Y/n). How have you been doing today?" he gently took your hand and kissed the top of it. You blushed a bit and answered with, "I've been alright, what about you?" he smiled and said, "I've been lovely though I'm doing even better now that you're here. Quick question, doesn't have to be now but, tonight may I have a dance with you?" you then replied with, "I don't see why not." What you two didn't know was that the king had his eyes on you.

You and Wilbur separated for a bit to talk to your separate friend groups, by your separate friend groups it was mainly Wilbur going to talk to his friends and you talking to your friend Madison(author-chan, can change their name if name is the same as you.) "Hey (Y/n), did Wilbur ask you to dance at all?" "Hey Maddy, and yes he did. Did he tell you he was going to?" You asked to which Madison nodded slightly. "Yep. Why wouldn't he? He told all of us except you, until now I guess." She said which made you both laugh.

Approaching footsteps were heard before you were tapped on the shoulder. You turned around only to see the host of the ball, King Eret. You did a small curtsie/bow and greeted him with, "Good evening your highness." he seemed to smile slightly before saying, "No need for formalities. Call me Eret. And what is your name?" You smiled slightly and answered with, "My name is (Y/n). Nice to meet you Eret." and he yet again replied, this time saying, "Nice to meet you too (Y/n). May I have this dance?" and he held his hand out to you.

You were surprised but smiled slightly still and took his hand. "Sure, I don't see why not. I will warn though that I'll have to stop at some point to dance with a friend of mine that asked me earlier." You said to which Eret nodded and took you to the middle of the ballroom, both of you getting into the correct position before starting to dance. The two of you talked a bit as you danced, his cracking a few jokes that made you laugh but soon you noticed Wilbur looking around kind of confused in the distance.

As soon as the song ended you let go of Eret before saying, "Well, I better go see if my friend wants to go ahead and dance with me before I get ready to head home. Good luck on finding someone to wed." as you started to walk over to Wilbur. Eret smirked to himself as he answered quietly, more to himself than anything, "I don't need luck, I already know who I want as my bride/groom." he then headed back to his throne and talked to his guards to check about a few things.

You and Wilbur danced a bit before you decided it was almost time for you to head home so you could open up shop in the morning. Just as you finished getting ready you heard a, "Excuse me." making you turn only to see King Eret again only this time with two cups, one in each hand. "Before you go, may I offer you a drink?" He asked. You stood there a moment before sighing and smiling slightly as you said, "Sure." you didn't want to reject out of fear that it would be considered rude to reject an offer from the King.

He handed you one of the cups and you took a sip of the drink. You two chatted a bit as you drank your drinks but when half of yours was gone you started to feel kind of dizzy. You put the cup down and Eret asked, "Are you doing alright? Do you need to lay down?" to which you replied with, "M-maybe. I only feel-" You were cut off by the feeling of being picked up. You looked upwards to see that Eret was carrying you, and soon enough all the music and chatter was distant and you blacked out. Eret smirked when he noticed you were asleep.

Eret got to his room and laid you in the bed before kissing your forehead. "Don't worry sweetheart, I'll be back soon. I've just got to end the ball and then I can explain to you about every single reason I picked you." He said quietly. He then walked out of the bedroom and shut the door, getting out a key and locking the door. "Now that I have you I'll make sure you never leave me." He muttered before putting the key away. He then headed back to the ballroom to dismiss everyone from the ball. All the while you were still asleep, soon to be forced to wed him. The end.

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