Skeppy(Kinda Yandere) X Reader X BadBoyHalo(Also Kinda Yandere)

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Requested by corrutped. They wanted slight yandere people wanting one person so I give. Have fun reading.

Your POV

I was currently getting ready to pick up Zak(Skep) and Darryl(Bad) from the airport. They both wanted to visit me in person some reason but I didn't really mind seeing as this would be the first time we would all be able to hang out together. I've had just Darryl over in the past and I've had just Zak over in the past. I finished getting ready and made sure both of the bedrooms were set up so the boys could sleep comfortably. I would be sleeping on the couch.

After everything was set up I quickly headed out to the car since Darryl's flight would be at the airport soon. I got in the car and buckled in before starting the car and starting to drive to the airport. On the way there I ended up getting a call from George(our guest), it was mainly him telling me to decide which of the two(Zak and Darryl) I liked more and confess to them before they end up becoming the SkepHalo ship. He hung up once I got to the airport though.

I headed into the airport and looked around to see if I could see Darryl yet but sadly I couldn't. I sat down near the bagging area and waited to either see him or for him to text me and say that he had landed. As I waited I started playing a random game on my phone and soon got distracted from watching for my friend. After a bit of playing the game though I was pulled back into reality by noticing that someone was sitting next to me. That someone was Darryl.

I quickly put my phone away and hugged him, forgetting about the fact that words were a thing. I think the hug shocked him because he took a moment to hug back. We stayed like that for a few minutes before I heard him ask, "Did you miss me or something?" with a slight chuckle. I blushed a bit and pulled away from the hug before replying with, "Y-yeah, kind of." Darryl looked kind of upset when I let go but smiled after a moment. "Well now all we gotta do is wait for Zak." He said.

I nodded slightly after he said that and checked my phone, seeing a text from Zak saying that he landed finally. Darryl and I waited until I noticed Zak and waved him down. Once Zak walked over to us with his stuff I hugged him and nuzzled my head into his chest without thinking. It was silent as he wrapped his arms around me but it seemed like it was in an almost protective way. I let go after a few moments and smiled while saying, "Hi Zak!" Zak then smiled back and said, "Hey (Y/n)! Well, since we're both here shall we head back to your house?"

Then we did just that, after going to get food first. The boys both wanted to sit up front with me so I said that one would sit up from till we got food then they would switch on the way to the house. Once we got to the house I told the boys to go pick which rooms they wanted since there were only two. Zak instantly went to pick a room and Darryl almost followed but stopped and looked at you before asking, "Where are you sleeping if we get the two bedrooms?" to which I responded with, "I'm sleeping on the couch. Don't worry, I'll  be fine." Darryl hesitated before following Zak up the stairs.

After the boys picked their rooms we hung out for a bit until both of them went to bed, least I thought they did. I got myself a drink from the kitchen and put it on the coffee table before laying down on the couch. I soon closed my eyes to try to go to sleep but after a while of trying to sleep I heard footsteps walk into the living room and to the front of the couch. I kept my eyes closed, thinking one of the boys forgot a phone on the table or something only to feel my body get picked up from the couch.

Me, being me, didn't really mind and just nuzzled my head into the chest of whoever it was. The action earned a slight chuckle and from the sound of the voice, I think it was Zak who picked me up. After a few minutes of being held I felt my body get placed on my bed before he laid behind me. I could tell someone else was in front of me and since Zak was likely behind me, it was probably Darryl in front of me.

"Zak you're lucky that I agreed to this. If I didn't she'd still be here but you wouldn't. And besides, we both know she's gonna pick me over you." Darryl said quietly, trying not to wake me up even though I'm not really asleep. Zak replied to Darryl's statement with, "If you think she's gonna pick you then I think you're wrong cause she'll be picking me." My brain was starting to give into sleep and I was mentally freaking out because not only did I love both of them, but both of them seemed to love me as well. Soon I heard both of them snoring but that was right before I fell asleep as well.

I might do a part two. Likely will. But in case I don't here's a good ending point. Hope ye enjoyed.

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