Forget Me Not - 8

530 29 51

Characters: Tommy (the one writing), Ghostbur, Dream, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Awesamdude, Techno, Tubbo, Ranboo (all mentioned)

CW // Implied Suicide, Manipulation, The feeling of being forgotten

Summary: Tommy's exile but the ending is much different :) im really proud of this one


Day 1:

I've decided to start counting the days until I come back. I will come back. That green mother fucker can't get rid of me that easily. But for now, I'm stuck here with Ghostbur. He gave me some weird blue shit. Seems useless. Sam said I could come to him anytime, though I don't think I'd need to. Dream forced me to blow my stuff up. I still hate explosions. It's getting kind of late. I don't think I'll sleep much tonight.

Day 2:

Today I went mining. If I'm coming back- When I come back, I'm not coming back with no armour. I need a way to protect myself, anyway. Dream came along for my mining trip, not helping. Reminds me a lot of all the times I went strip mining with Tubbo, who was only there to keep me company. Dream is no Tubbo. Techno also visited to mock me. God, I hate that stupid pig. He's wasn't right. I won't be here for long, I know it. I'm already getting lots of iron and diamonds. The area is very rich in resource.

Day 3:

Today I woke up in front of my tent to Ghostbur working on a campsite. I don't know how he does it, it looks great. Badboyhalo visited today and gave me Chirp. I decided to listen to it tomorrow, since today I focused on setting up tents. Dream came again and blew up my armour. He said he'd kill me if I don't give him the armour. He almost tried to take Chirp from me too. I need an ender chest so these things don't get stolen again. I haven't been sleeping well. Being busy all day makes it so at night I'm forced to think. I hate thinking too hard about things. It's better to avoid them. Then they don't upset me.

Day 4:

When I woke up today, I was at the shore. I don't know who the fuck is moving me in my sleep, but it's fucking annoying. Ghostbur has made more progress on the building. I listened to Chirp today when Badboyhalo visited me again. I told him it reminded me of a female astronaut, which is only partially true. When I listened to it, it reminded me of Tubbo. It's his favorite disc. I made a nether portal today but I wasn't really in the mood for heading there. Dream came again to make sure I didn't have any armour. Maybe he's just trying to protect me.

Day 5:

I woke up at the surface of a shallow part of the ocean. It's getting strange. Ghostbur finished Logstedshire today. It looks great. I went mining for a bit with Dream. When I got out of the mines, I could see Sapnap coming through the woods with Ghostbur. They told me about the huge Christmas tree that was in Dream's land. I begged Dream to see it, but he wouldn't budge. He says he'll kill me if I ever go back. I'm not sure if I want to see Tubbo anyway. Dream said I could go through the nether while they saw it. I agreed and they went through the portal, leaving me alone on the bridge. Dream budged me and we headed back. Then he blew up my armour. I like it when he blows up my armour. Sure, it's annoying as all hell, but it gives me a pattern to focus on. One constant. My constant used to always be Tubbo.

Day 6:

I made sure to get armour early today so Dream could blow it up. I also woke up in deeper water. I hate water. It's so unknown. When I fall into the water, it remind me of the duel with Dream. The water. The feeling of drowning. I don't think the arrow killed me. At least, not on impact. It was too early. But I felt the water fill my lungs. But nobody actually knows my fear of water, so I'll keep it that way. When I went to the nether, there was a chest with a note inside from Ranboo. I wrote a response. I hope he writes back. I drafted invites for a party in 3 days time. I gave them to Ghostbur to hand out. Ghostbur, in turn, gave me a compass that leads to Tubbo. He turned 17 today.

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