Chapter 1 Yo

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"Here in FNF Highschool, you get the best education in.....beatboxing and rapping, no education needed, you'll always succeed unless you come on down or we'll force ya!" The video said.

I was forced to Does this really matter....?

I'm Y/n, about to be a freshman in a.... beatboxing school because my mother wants me to be successful with the looks...and the voice. This wasn't really a benefit to me knowing I'm very shy and I dont want to embarrass myself in front of students. Technically I have no choice...because my mother gets what she wants no matter what my feelings about it are. Anyway, she told me to register there online and go tomorrow. I'm not gonna have any friends, I'm not gonna be good at singing....this'll be great.

"Honey, get down here" my mother called with her elegant yet scolding tone. I run through the halls immediately. "Yes mother?" I looked around her to see if there was a problem. She smiled a bit. "Since you and your sister are going to the school tomorrow, you're gonna need this"

She handed me a dark blue colored backpack, a notebook, a few pencils, and a wireless microphone?? Now I get where I'm going, but is that really necessary? She sent me off to my room to bring in my sister. Ah right, yes, I have a sister...but we never get mom decided to split us up a bit. She was always so perfect, shes got the looks, the style, the voice....maybe not the personality...or much of the smarts. Unfortunately, we have to go to school together and my father insisted we go on the same bus, same class, same lunch period....all that..and not insisted...more like demanded.

After locking the door behind me, I go back on my computer to register. Yes before you ask why I'm going tomorrow and not in a few days, the school does not care about paperwork or who I am/ where the hell I'm going. I immediately got accepted so I closed my computer to think for a while.

You really think you got what it takes?


You're gonna get made fun'll be laughed at, people will hate you.

I know, but I have no choice...

Whatever you say...

Yeah this is gonna be harder than I thought...and what's worse is my sister can already rap and beatbox just because she got private lessons to spite me.

With the time I got left, I went and did things I love doing before I get humiliated tomorrow.

....hold on-

"What's up nerd?"

"How'd you get in here?? I locked the door didn't I?" I panicked.

"I persuaded the door to open for me" my sister responded with a dramatic "I'm better than you" pose.

"Yeah, because you dont know how to use your brain" I mumbled and rolled my eyes.

"What was that Y/n?"

Her voice pierced through my soul...I know shes a year older than me, but gosh shes...terrifying.

"Nothing. What do you want?" I asked.

"Oh nothing" she comes closer to me "innocently" to scratch me. I yelped in pain.

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