Chapter 8 isn't too lame B)

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I turn around to see Keith, my eyes widened in surprise as I smile. Thankfully my parents and my sister left to get Starbucks as usual.

"Keith! I didn't know you'd show up first...did you rush just to see me?" I giggled and hugged him.
"Yeah! Why wouldnt I wanna see a friend of a week or two" he hugged back.
"That's true, you got your disguise right?" I let go. Oh right, remember our plan? The disguise was apart of it. His sister sent him a wig she never used. It was pink. Hopefully we dont get weird looks...or get taken for a famous person.

"Oh shoot my parents are coming- make sure you sound girly-!"

"Got it"

"Here Y/n, we bought you some coffee, sorry your mother had to wake you up so early- who's your friend..?" My father handed me my favorite type of coffee.
"Oh this is....." I paused because I couldn't think of a girl name for Keith.


Keith butted in with a high pitched voice, I snicker.
"Oh? Well what brings you" my father asked in suspicion.
"U-uhm there uh...there's a competition I'm somewhere that isn't in this state...." he said nervously, trying to not break character.

"Ohh well...Y/n you can stay with her for a bit until we have to board the plane" my mother spoke up.

I nodded slightly as I took Keith's hand, leading him to the huge array of seats behind us. I knew he'd be too shaken up to move because of them. That reminds me that he has to go up against them...

We sat down where no one was really near us to talk.

"That was close" Keith sighed with relief.
" can say that again Kiera" I laugh a bit. He puffed out his cheeks then stopped to laugh.

That was a nice start to my day I'd say.


"C'mon, Y/n, we have to go and you can take your friend with you, it's alright" my mother smiled. I lit up and took Keith's- sorry- Kiera's hand again as we went in line.

"No, no, no darlings. We can skip the line" my mother walked up to us. I got confused, then realized there's a literal paparazzi following them. I guess when I was talking to Keith I didn't notice. Anyways we skipped the line because almost everyone was a fan of my mother and father. The rest of the people were pretty pissed not gonna lie.

We hurriedly got into the plane and went to our seats when-

"Move it loser, I want the window seat" my sister shoved me a bit just to sit there. I looked at my father who turned a blind eye in guilt, I sigh and sit in the middle.
"This was naturally my seat, but Kiera, you can have it" my father offered as he whispered "I'm sorry" to me. I nod slightly. Keith sat down next to me.

"Y/n I have a confession I have to make" Keith whispered.


My face heated up slightly. Already? And...on a plane? Me out of anyone..?


do not like...being on planes...I've been afraid ever since we boarded and I'm afraid" he shook.

My blush dissapeared as I took his hand with both of mine.
"I understand, and I felt that way when I went here for the first time, but hey, everything will be okay, I'll be here for you so tug my hand if you need me to calm you down" I said in the softest and nicest tone I could ever give anyone. His face lit up, like that's the first time he heard that from someone.

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