Gnarly dudes its Chapter 5

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A deal? What do you want from me?

Live in the darkness with me~♡

What-!? Why would I do that?

You dont want to leave your friends behind correct?

Well yes...but I barely know you and...wait....this is just a guess....but were you the one who tried to sabotage me?


Demon? Demon! Ugh...shit...

Apparently I decide to pass out after that. I guess I can't exactly go to both events? Skid and Pump needs my help with a new song and Keith is...nice...but I barely met him so....

I know the obvious decision...


"Heyyy Keith what's up?" I ask with a smile. He lit up and moved out of the way so I can come inside. I went in and looked around his house....well...apartment. It seemed pretty good for this side of town. "Like it? It's pretty cool, and we should probably go to my room" he took me there and.....

"Sis? What're you doing here?" I ask...she was currently climbing through the window.
"Nothing?" She smiled awkwardly.
"B-babe?? What are you doing here?" He asked going up to her.
"I...was wrong for leaving you...I guess I wasn't used and choosing who I like..." she said with her 'woe is me' look.
I rolled my eyes, "bullshit" I mumbled.

"Wait...Y/n...what are you doing here? Keith, kick her out!" She demanded.

He looked over at me then her...who will he choose?

~Skids pov~

They're late. Where are they?

Do you remember that blue haired boy?


They're there

Why are they there?

From what I remember, they got invited to go there..and I guess they chose him over you~

Shut up unc-

Anyways....want me to help you out now?

I said not yet....just bring them-

*knock, knock*

What the..?

I run over to the door and open it quickly.

"H-hey Skid" they panted.
" okay? What happened?" I asked letting them in.
"Ah sister just kicked me out of" they managed to say.
"Yeah...sure..." I mumbled.

We went to my room where Pump was waiting with the setup. He smiled and waved at Y/n... also he offered them a spot next to him. I got a little infuriated, but whatever.
"Okie dokie Y/n! You got the lyrics right?" Pump asked putting his arm around their shoulder. They laughed and handed it to him.

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