Chapter w a c k

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"W-well, whatever type of love..I wouldn't exactly be sure" I stuttered as he nodded. Before things get more awkward I quickly ran to one side of the bed facing the wall (on the right). There was a window close to me, a small side table, in front of me is a closet that is closed and a small tv. Beside him was the door to get out of the room and the same side table as mine, again not that much. He laid down on the other side of the bed, very far away from me.

I heard my mother and father come in the hotel...super drunk. My sister probably came in with them to unpack. I was extremely tired and blacked out.

As for Keith and the others, I'm hoping the same...

~12am: ???s pov~

"So you saw them together? What were they doing?" ? asked

"Sleeping I think?" I responded in confusion.

"Ugh! You bird brain, you're suppose to know, you clearly saw them together didnt you??" ? yelled. I hate when he yells...

"Hey, calm down, dont be mean to her" ?? protected me. I sigh in relief.

"You're right.."


"I want you to capture them"

"B-but Pico, we could get arrested for this!" Darnell stuttered.
"Does it really look like I care? Just do it. We're friends...

...arent we?" He said with a rusty tone. Ugh, his voice makes me shiver, he's terrifying.

...Why did she have to put us through so much trauma..?


Darnell and I ran back to the hotel. Before you ask how I was able to peer in their room on the....whatever number of floors they're on...there were stairs. Plus I happen to eavesdrop their room number because I overheard. We ran up the stairs because we could care less about noise and made it to their room again. The window wasn't locked luckily so Darnell opened it, I climbed inside quickly and quietly. Darnell handed me a bag which looked like a huge potato sack. He climbed in as well.

I got the chloroform ready just in case they scream. I doubt their parents will remember or notice. Darnell and I opened the bag and positioned in over their head.

"Ready?" Darnell whispered very quietly. I simply nodded with determination.

"3, 2.....1-

What the-?!" He whisper-yelled. I peer over Y/n to see a hand wrapped around their waist. This wasn't supposed to be that hard...

"What do we do?" I panicked quietly. He pointed the that pink/blue haired fool. I raised my eyebrow in confusion. He pointed at his arm and made a scrape gesture. I understood and nodded, doing the thing he 'said' right away. It was easier than I thought, the kid rolled back over to his side. I sighed with relief and hovered the bag over their head once again, so did he.

He started the countdown once again and we...

Only managed to get it over their head. Whatever that's better than nothing. We shoved them through the window anyways and climbed down. They were squirming a lot...and I sorta felt bad but it's what the boss wanted. When we made it to the bottom with Y/n in hand.

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