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Zaria P.O.V
"Mama! Don't let them tek mi!" I shouted
"Zaria, on the count of tree (three) mi wan yuh to run," mama replied
"Run where mama?" I asked
she gave me a stern look
"Tree! run Zaria, run!" She screeched
I jumped out of the mans arms and ran. I ran into the Jamaican rainforest and I didn't look back, I heard the cries of my mama,
She loves me.
She finally said it, after all those years of thinking she hated me. She actually didn't.
After a while I made to a tree where I climbed if I got upset, I climbed the tree and picked a mango, I was hungry, what do you expect if you haven't eaten in 48 hours because you were being held captive?
The rain began to pour down on to the tree, thank god the leaves were wide enough from the rain, but however, I never knew this is where I would be living for the next 8 years.

Nubian PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now