Chapter -8: Guns In The Station

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"Finally the exit was in my sights. All I have to do is breach and I'll be home free from these maniacs." I insured myself. But wait?! I took a closer look at the exit door I was running towards. It's a key card access security door! I stopped in front of the door and drove my hands quickly into the pockets of my pants trying desperately to find the key card. "Come on, come on, come on!" I kept telling myself as if telling myself that was going to help me find that damn key card any faster. After two or three minutes of searching through the pockets of my pants like a madman, I paused to analyze the situation. My IQ is well over that of a normal human being so just getting a chance to think would instantly make this predicament better. So I quickly began to ponder. Let's see I'm currently inside sector fourteen of the underground laser shuttleway station. There are one hundred and seven sectors to this place but only fifty-nine exit doors. I remembered seeing a tourist map to this exact shuttleway station earlier today. I closed my eyes and pictured that map in my head and starting mapping out where to go next. There was a good chance that not all the exit doors were key card access only. After all ever since that "terrorist attack" two weeks ago here in Tetris, Lesley the mayor of Tetris has enforced a new rule in which all of the cities public properties would be forced to install or update they're security units. This was an old station but this was a new security door judging by how sparkly it was. If maintenance had just installed this in sector fourteen I'd say some of the higher numbered sectors still have normal exit sliding doors. There's only one problem to my plan of trying to get to some other exit. I'm at a deadend, if I were trying to get to another exit I would have to go back the opposite way I came thus I would at best run into those maniacs I've been trying to get away from this whole time. "Damn I'm stuck!" I mutted angrily to myself. My eyes opened glancing at the locked door. I noticed a small "S" symbol above the key card scanner. I recognized the symbol immediately, that "S" stood for the word smart. This security unit was being operated and powered by a super computer somewhere in this shuttleway station. This door could record high-pitched sounds near by and for who knows what reason even had wi-fi. Any sounds or information recovered by this security unit would be sent to this shuttleway stations super computer to be processed then kept for the employees to inspect for emergency purposes. Which means if I screamed for help, in moments I would probably be greeted by one of the fine gentlemen that work here. I inhaled quickly about to shout as loud as I could into the security door and right before I could yell, a thought crossed my mind. "What if those people I'm running from find me before the shuttleway security guards do?" I mean I haven't heard from those maniacs yet. Maybe I lost them somewhere in the station and by yelling I would only be exposing my where abouts. My head filled up with what ifs. All of a sudden I heard a bluestocking voice echoing through the sector. "I can taste your vaporized sweat lingering in the air, Scyth."

"I know your cornered over there, I know you can hear me and I know that you know that once me and my boys reach you we're going to put a bullet through your head." The voice got closer from around the corner. Then I realized something. This Smart door was being controlled by a computer. And if there's anyway being controlled by a computer; I could hack it. It would be strictly against the law but then again when has that ever stopped me before. I know I can't hack this before "they" show up. Which left me with no other options. I'm going to have to fight them. My new course of action was going to be simple: assault the first person that comes from around that corner. I slowly approached the corner ready to lunge. A tall gangster wearing a torn tank top and some sagging pants walked from behind from the corner. I recognized him. He's one of the guys that's trying to kill me; his name is Kile. Without a second to lose, I threw out my best punch to the side of that guy's face! The momentum of the punch had me tripping over myself as the guy staggered backwards. At that moment in the corner of my eye I saw two more of his gangster friends charging towards me. I knew them too; they're names were Dren & Thomas. Before I could react my body got tackled down to the floor by them. They both began to battering me with punches, forearms and stomps preventing me from standing up. I still tried to rally up some strength to fight back against this beating. Then from out of the shadows of this tunnel, I heard that bluestocking voice again, "hold him still!" The person demanded. Kile reached down and picked up a stone from the ground then launched the stone into the conflict right at my forehead. I felt pain shoot to my forehead as I began to scream in agony. Thomas slapped his hand on my mouth muffling my voice and at the same time suffocating me. Dren continued stomping into my body. My body began to experience numbness towards physical sensation. Lastly they reached down grabbing my arms seizing me towards the darkness of the tunnel. As my legs were dragging across the concrete, as blood started seeping from my skull and as my attempts to struggle rendered unless against Thomas and Dren."Was this going to be it for me?"

A short man with wild blond hair and freckles on his face walked out from the shadows. He was dressed like the other gangsters only he had on a gold chain that read "Pure Alpha Male." He spoke with his nerdy voice. "Well you had a good run but like I promised, I will personally kill you for trying to rat us out." I spoke out loudly. "How did you escape from America!" The short man aggressively grabbed my face putting a gun next to it! "I escaped without your approval and without your cooperation. You had a chance to live even after you left me for dead in that rotting country. Don't you know who I am?! I'm Moore; your childhood friend. I was and still am smarter than you Scyth, I would THINK since we've known each other since we were kids you would figured that out by now!" he said with an intense face while he was staring directly into my eyes. I could see him grinding his teeth together. I looked away for a split second and saw five men; two of them wear dressed like security officers and the other three wearing some sort of robotic suit quickly tip toeing over to us from the shadows. The three men wearing robotic suits left back the way they came. "Halt!" One of the security men screamed! Dren and Thomas flinched. Moore loosen up but kept himself facing towards me. Kile yelled back at the men "We have a hostage stupid!" "Wait don't hurt the girl!" The second security man said. Me, Moore, Dren, Thomas and Kile all replied "girl?!?" "Uh? Yes girl. We heard loud girl squealing." the security man answered. He must have been refering to the sounds I was making fighting with Thomas and Dren. I screamed angrily that was me trying to fight for my live! I'm a boy and I don't squeal like a girl damn it! while we were talking from behind us the Smart key card access security door at last opened up. Out from it came the three men that left earlier. They took out sniper like guns and aimed them without any of the gangsters noticing. Moore kept talking. "Not much you corporate cocksuckers can do with me having a hostage, huh? You can't hurt me or my boys as long as I have him. I'm untouchable! I out smarted Scyth leading him to a dead-end and I've out smarted you two.". Moore chuckled. "Hey boys, let's not lose our heads though." Moore said confidently. Suddenly when the robotic suited men pulled the triggers on the sniper like guns, Thomas', Dren's & Moore's head exploded! Blood and brains parts bursting everywhere. All over the walls, all over floors and all over me. It hurt a little having the blood splatted on my all already bruised up body so hard. Blood squirted out of the gangsters necks then it began spraying and jetting out making a loud water hosing sound. From the impact of the blood hitting me so hard I accidentally fell back in a pool of vital fluid. I just looked in in pure shock as the standing decapitated bodies one by one began to fall over in their own gore. Kile looked both ways as no one was standing beside him anymore. Both security men slowly approached Kile pointing pistols at him. "Alright, alright I-I give up o-okay?" Kile said. He surrendered by laying on the ground face first while having his hands behind his back. Security looked at one of the sniper men. That sniper man nodded his head in approval. I knew what was coming next. I covered my ears. Both security men started rapidly firing at Kile's skull. Blood continuously whipped across the concrete untill both security men were out of ammo. The men carrying the sniper like guns began celebrating; the other two uniformed men walked over to me and gently reached out grabbing my hands and pulling me back to my feet. "The intruders have been subtracted." One security man told me. "We're going to take care of you, come on." the security guard said. They carefully escorted me out of the shuttleway station. As I glimpsed back I seen huge puddles of blood on the floor, even more blood splatted on the walls. Not to mention other body parts that was attached to the human cranium all over the place like eye balls, brains, tongues, cheeks ect. ect. The tunnel smelled awful. But other than me noticing the stench, I noticed a trail of blood leading to the shadows of the tunnel. Before the security could get me out of this tunnel I looked back one last time and seen three gangsters dead on the floor. Dren's, Kile's and Thomas'. However Moore's corpse was no where to be found.

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