Chapter -4: Partners in Crime

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A bunch of rats and one seagull had made a comfortable nest on top of my back while I was knocked out sleep. My roommate walks in to the room with her hair looking like a super model wearing a gem stone necklace, a sleeveless dark blue bedazzled shirt over her nicely round bust, a white arm band with bright blue writing on it, latex tights and boots. She sees the rats having a picnic there so she screams in terror which wakes me up. I shoot out of bed like I'd been set a blaze! Looking behind me I see weeds, dirt, rats, and a seagull falling from my back making thumping sounds as it all landed. I gasped! My roommate screams "behind you!" I dived to the other side of my bed on instinct! The rats began to scatter. The seagull started flying around the room. One rat ran under the Spanish girl's leg making her run over to me. "Boy move!" The girl yelled at me before pushing me on top of the bed. I leaped from the bed over the rats rolling across the floor over to an emergency fire extinguisher and emergency Firemen axe on the wall. It's now or never I thought to myself. I tried to kick down the glass protecting the tools I needed but the glass didn't give. I fell to the floor. A rat runs on my hand. "The fuck!" I swing my other hand bitch slapping the rat across the room on to the wall, leaving dent in the cheap paint. "Use this!" the girl took off her boot off and threw it at me.

I ducked the boot having it crash threw the glass protecting the tools. I took them and toss the axe to my roommate for the scattering rats while I used the fire extinguisher on the seagull; blasting it with CO² out of the air. The girl swung wildly hitting everything but the rodents. Walls, desks, bed, floors were being destroyed by her fury. All the rats retreated and the seagull flew up into a hole in the corner of the roof both of us never noticed was there. The girl and I were both left sucking wind as we looked at one another. Our door opened as one hobo and two prostitutes walk in. To they're surprise seeing the entire room in shambles, a tired girl holding an axe and across from her was me; armed with the fire extinguisher like it was a Plasma Ray forty-four. I looked at the clock on the wall and knew why they were here. I had a five to five roommate motel card. This card gives a person a certain amount of hours to use a room before someone else arrives to do the same. My hours were up and these were the next group of unfortunate guests. "Um we're already on our way out." I said. The girl agreed with me as she nodded. "Si." The girl wobbled over to the broken desk getting her belongings out of it then she goes to grab her boot she tossed making eye contact with no one. She looked rather embarrassed as she told me to come on and stormed out the room. The new guests stared at me still in shock. I took a deep breath walking past them slow and casually. Playing it off like nothing happened; no big deal. "Oh yeah!" I went back grabbing the axe and fire extinguisher and gave to the hobo. "You're seriously gonna need this buddy." I foretold.

Wandering down the abandon looking streets of Tetris beside my former roommate felt almost perplexing but not in a bad way. I don't have a watch to tell time but I would say I woke up really early. Before The sun hasn't even fully risen yet making the air feel 'nippy.' We say nothing to each other regardless to our eyes meeting now and then. I'm not personally one to start a conversation, especially for no reason. I mainly use language to deliver a thought creating an impacting effect. However talking to her could align me with a mutual beneficial partnership certainly not in a sexual way. I would hate to talk to her for only that reason only but still. All I need to do now is start a conversation. "You got a name?" I asked. Nailed it by the way. She told me ella no dio su nombre a los extraños más aún, vagabundos. I asked could I press one for english? "You don't know any Spanish?" She questioned. "I'm Asian why would I know any Spanish?" I threw back a question. "I don't care if ya Scandinavian, everyone in this city either is Spanish or knows it. If you don't know even speak a lick of it, what are ya even doin here?! Are you retarded?" She said with some tension. I tried to tell her I was a tourist but she cut me off to ask me "how'd I even live this long?" "Well maybe if you just be shut up for a second you would have your answers by now." I said angrily. The girl stopped walking to give me the death stare. "If it wasn't for me opening my mouth you still would be the 'red carpet' those rodents walked on." She clarified to me. Yeah you're right; I want to thank your Amygdala. The natural emotional fear response that is responsible for making you scream as if you've been penetrated every time you see a rat or seagull." I mocked. She fired an insult at me by saying Excuse me, ya look like the hobo we just left. And told her, "you look like the prostitutes that were about to ride him!"She chuckled"I was on my way to the Trance Light tavern and I was planning on payin extra takin your sorry ass with me but I've changed my mind." She told me. "Why would I want to go there with you anyway"? I replied. She pointed out that one: I have no way of communicating with anyone here. And two: I owe my life to her. I quickly told her I didn't owe her a quantum atom. After saying adiós she turns around and power walks away from me like a super model on a cat walk. What did she mean I owe her? I put my hand on my chin as I ponder only to feel some sort of bandaging on my face. What's this? I felt my head and felt more bandaging. These were medical wraps. These medical wraps are around my body as well. She used the first aid on me while I was sleeping. She used first aid on a random stranger like me? She's either beautiful plus dumb for nursing someone who is unknown to her or does she want something more?

Someone called out to me. "Bruh!" I turned towards the direction the voice was coming from and seen the boy from the check in/check out counter jogging at me. Ol'freckle face.

"What do you want?""I want to apologize about your time at our Motel. We usually have the rats fed before the guest come over." So he admits it. I told him off saying that the company shouldn't allow any animals such as those to even in live in a motel. He looked down looking shy."The company doesn't allow it." He confessed. You're breeding animals illegally? I whispered to the boy. He said nothing. "I think you already know what you're doing is wrong. You're hurting the company's business. You're hurting your future. You're hurting the rats that get attacked by the clients and you're hurting the clients both psychologically and physically. You never know who might be allergic to those animals. You don't know what those animals carry in their biome that could potentially be harmful to someone." I lectured. "Dude I know. We all have something to be ashamed of. My pet rat Vicky--uh-or was that Vinny..Vincky had a lot of children that I can't just give away. They're like family to me." He told me nervously. Family. A word I haven't been apart of in years. "I've had people who were close to me die from poor hygiene. That's why I hate being so unsanitized." I told him. "Oh man I'm to hear that. How about I make it up to you." He offered. I thought about it hard. I thought and I thought untill an idea stabbed me like a knife in the head. "What's your name?"


"You speak Spanish?" I asked. He responded with uuuuuuuuh si, why?"

It's because we have a club to go hit.

I glanced to the left and seen at a distance; a crackhead wearing a gas mask staring in my direction. "And fast." I added.

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