Chapter -5: American Evacuation

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"Wake up Scyth, please!" A voice pleaded. I opened my eyes to a fuzzy figure standing over me in a poorly lit red room of some kind. The world looked blurry and kept constantly spinning untill someone put glasses on my face. I seen a young asian girl sitting on top of me trying to waking me up. She was wearing red track shorts and a black shirt that was showing off her shoulders. She looks thirteen and her name is Xiaoyu. "You look very pretty" I said while groggy. She grunted in frustration. Xiaoyu kicks me out of bed sending me crashing onto the hot metal floors which snaps me out of my daze. "What the hell is going on?" I asked Xiaoyu"The government they're doing it. They're doing it.""Doing what?" She frowns and stares at me. I made it back to my feet.There was a dresser with a big mirror in it placed where I was. I stared at the mirror. There was a chinese teen boy staring back at me. He had a layered asian men hairdo. No sign of facial imperfections like blemishes or boils. A strong face that currently looked very tired. This boy wasn't wearing any clothes. I could see his body was so sudoriferous from head to toe. What he lacked in buff arms he made up for with his zero body fat and abs that were visible every time he in haled to breathe. This boy was me. I rubbed my index and middle finger against the palms of my hand. It felt wet from the all the perspiring I have been doing. Standing in this small box like room felt like standing in an oven set to two hundred and fifty-eight degrees. The fact that the room was only lit by a single led light that only made everything in it look red doesn't help either. Despite the heat of this hot ass room, I knew I had being sweating for a different reason. Xiaoyu stood behind me in the reflection. "The count down towards America's final hours." Said Xiaoyu. I repeated what she said to make sure I heard that correctly. "America's final hours?""Yes, they're planning on escaping the country in a Shuttle Capsule and using Biolyrion III to obliterate all of us, Brother." She said. I turned towards her exclaiming, "what?!""How many hours do we have?!" I asked in a fret. She answered by saying we have exactly two hours and fourteen minutes---" she paused to correct herself. "We had two hours and fourteen minutes when I ran in this room but now we only have two hours and eight minutes." Xiaoyu sadly said. We need to get out of here." I stated seriously. With that being said I got dressed in some tight navy blue pants and a in a tight black shirt. Apparently this was what I was wearing before I fell into a deep sleep. My sister & I ran out of my room and through a narrow steel hallway that also looked red. We kept running and running untill we reached a smart security door. But it wasn't an oridenary security door. I bared a "S" letter on it along side a small Dna scanner. Fuck this is one of those smart security bullshit doors I had to deal with from before back in the Shuttleway station! Come to think of it; wasn't I sleeping in the mold motel. How did I get here? While I'm asking myself questions, why was I sleeping with no clothes on? Xiaoyu told me to stop day dreaming and open the door. I looked at her and opened my mouth but nothing came out of it. I didn't know why or how but for some reason I felt this unique sensation in which I knew what she was talking about; I knew how to open the door; this has happened before. At the same time I didn't know what she was talking about; I didn't know how to open the door and this has never happened before. "GAAh!" I bent over holding my head. It felt like my brain started beating and throbbing while my heart just stopped. I heard loud Banging and crashing. Banging and crashing. My sister called out to me asking me if I was fine! "I-I'm fine Xiiaoyu." I said in pain. I told her that I was going to have to open it the manual way and commanded the password from her. She hesitated but then began spilling the info I needed. It's one, one, two, five, seven, four, eight, one, one, three, nine, two, six, three, one, eight, five, four four, four, zero, seven, four--" Bang! Crash! Bang! Crash! The loud sounds in my head prevented me from hearing the rest of the password. But why is that password so damn long in the first place? I slowly removed my hand from my head and willed that hand forwards the door pushing through the pain.

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