Chapter 0: The New Alliance

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     I failed. I let everyone down. They're deaths in vain. But Wait. Who did I fail? My mission. What was it? Was my memory slipping away from me? My body got electrocuted briefly. I gasped. Every second my chest would create a thumping sound that echoed through me. The thumping would get faster. What is this? I took a breather. This feeling was the experience of a heart that began to beat after long last. And My eyes peaked open. Bright lights blinded my sight;Robing me from seeing what was in front of me. A pale white being sat beside me. I closed my eyes. I fell to the floor! I popped up to my feet before falling on my ass. I looked up seen Edith looking back at me. She was in a short purple night dress that was covered with skulls printed all over it and black knee high boots with buckles all around them. She was standing in a what it looked like a large RV. I struggled to get her name out. "E-e-da-ss?"
Edith smiled. "Your alive! I knew I wasn't just dragging you around for nothing!" She said happily. She told me to wait here as she left my side. I don't know if this is an hallucination or not. I didn't even know how long she was gone. It felt like hours. Mostly because my biological clock is all species of fucked up. I laid back and closed my eyes again. Minutes past or at least I think till I was woken by Gerardo. He shook me, recovering some of my consciousness from La La Land and back to the real world. Gerardo was dressed in the same damn outfit I seen him in before, I think. "J-Jaddo?" I muttered. "I guess your right Princess. This guy is stronger than he looks." Gerardo admitted. He helped me up into a seat.
     Time would fly by as more and more of my consciousness would return to me. He asked me the usual dumb questions an average person would ask like "how are you doing?" I'm doing just splendid. Thanks for asking pal. "How many fingers am I holding up?" I can't even remember what just happened last and now this guy wants me to remember the times when I was a first grader. "What can you remember?"! I remember this guy not being there. I also vividly recall a moment in history in which I wasn't on a questionnaire game show competing for the prize of Gerardo's approval grant. A great offer for those who wish to please. A total value worth zero dollars and zero cents. How wonderful. Last thing he said was flat out insulting to me. "If there's anything that can help you please don't hesitate to ask." What are you going to do Bulky? Smash? How about a healing ritual? By the way doesn't he see me struggling just to say words? My mouth is hanging open for so long you would think I was diagnosed for Lockjaw. I concentrated really hard to spit out something to say. "What happened?" Edith and Gerardo both glanced at one another. "You got your ass kicked by Daisuke. Damn well killed you since your heart was no longer pumping blood." Gerardo said. "W-who's Daisuke?" I asked. Edith told me that he was some scumbag that had no right laying his hands on me. I asked her if she knew him and she agreed to knowing him and the organization he worked for. "I used to operate under Gravity. I even lived in a specially designed room just for me in the Gravity Asylum. Daisuke was in charge of teaching me the ropes there. He even taught me how to kill. For years I spent my life devoted to serving them until one day I had enough of their bull crap. I had to fight for my release in the company. After doing so they ditched me in Atrocity city. una de las ciudades más peligrosas para vivir. Fortunately for this chica, I always have my posse near by me." Edith said as she crossed her jewelry covered arms and laid back against a wall. "Yeah. Princess would crash with me some times. Other times with Marie. If we were unavailable one of us would give her money for a motel or something." Gerardo said. I looked at Edith seriously. "You know how to kill?" I questioned. She looked at Gerardo. "Trust me, Princess is more than just a goddess with a gorgeous face." Gerardo told me. "Deja de ser serio ahora Gerardo. No coquetear. Dile lo que estamos haciendo ahora. No se olvide de agregar que le ayudé no una vez sino dos veces." Edith said right before walking over to the window. I know, I know. lo siento. Anyway after you passed out, Gravity mercenaries showed up and saved the day. All but three thugs got away. That was because they were already gone before Gravity could arrive. This is gonna be hard to say but they kidnapped Marie. They took her in a red hovering coris. Once Princess seen this she got me at once. Since my club was torn down do to the damages from Gravity mercenaries and the thugs I decided to leave and help Princess. And to pay them back what they did to Jada. I knew you didn't kill her but I couldn't speak out against Gravity in fear that I would get in trouble with them and I would have to leave Princess high and dry. While Princess and Gravity has a bad relationship together she knew they probably wouldn't help her. She told me to drag you along as we tried to get her back. This would be her second time helping you from what she has told me. She said she knew how to get you up. So we got in my RV and we burnt rubber to the freeway." Gerardo explained to me. I looked down attempting to parse everything. My memory was still so very foggy and so was my eye sight. Not to mention my head was banging like a porn star. A guy named Daisuke kicked my ass? It's probably best I don't remember anyway. That memory would only piss me off. So among all the questions I could ask, there was one I felt needed to be answered. "Why did you bring me with you guys?" I firmly asked. "I wanted to save your life but I was in a hurry so I brought you with me." Edith would answer without taking her emerald green eyes away from the window. "How and why did you save my life?" I asked. "Is it Trivia night or are you just ungrateful?" Edith's sarcasm left me speechless. "Damn." I thought to myself.
     "You're free to leave if we ever get a chance to stop." Edith stated. Escaping? That wouldn't be seem to be the most ideal plan in the world considering my poor health condition. Plus I already needed a faster way of transportation. If I play my cards right I might get them to take me to a location of my choosing. With that being thought, the decision was simple. I was staying was these Luchadores for a long time. But hold on a second. "Who's driving the RV?!" I asked
"Oh some oily faced boy that got his ass kicked by Daisuke from trying to help you and got fired from his job by his boss for fighting against Gravity to help a criminal. He managed to escape during all the conflict." Gerardo said as if this was a normal day. I thought about what he said. "The boy says if he can prove you didn't kill Jada then he could get his job back. So he asked to come with."
"Wait are you referring to-?" I was immediately cut off by a loud righteous yet hip voice. "Bros!" Cannata called out to me as he raced in like a bat out of hell. "Cannata? But wait? Now who's driving the RV?!" I asked. A total of three seconds would past as a moment of silence would occur. Cannata dashed back into the drivers' seat!


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