𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞༊*·˚

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"I'm disgusted by you." 

Purely he was filled with hatred, the same feeling of repulsion he had towards his mother, but now to his first love. The one he had thought was going to spend the rest of his life with, maybe the next too if he prayed hard enough. Now all he's feeling is acrimony, tired, beyond doubt he felt drained. 

"Just get out" Tapping his foot a few times to think, "2 hours, get your stuff, get everyone out of here, or I'm getting securities" Monotonously speaking.

Walking back to the door, making his way towards an empty VIP lounge with all his luggage already placed neatly together. 

He saw through the camera awhile ago, witnessing everything she had done in his penthouse in the time he was gone. No one dared to complain because the person staying was Mr. Park's girlfriend, the owner of the hotel.

"Welcome back Mr. Park" The employee lined up neatly on both sides of the entrance to welcome him, bowing in respect as he walked past them with no acknowledgment. 

It made the employee confused, what happened to the 'Good morning' 'Thank you for your hard work' the usual interactions he would have back then before he left for Korea.

"He just had a rough flight" His personal Buttler assured them, it was nice to see his little master all grown up after so long, but knowing the situation he's in, it was safe to give him the space he needed.

Drinking by himself again, it felt like he was back to his younger self again. 

The constant drinking abuse with his girlfriend, always ending up in heavy hangovers, he felt bad. The sudden rush of guilt took over him as his memories started to fill in with Mirae, he used her, and she got hurt because of him. 

Couldn't find the mean in him to stop drinking, it was his reward from being able to have the courage to break off the relationship with Nina after so many years of supposedly being blindly in love with her. 

He must've found entertainment in his glass of liquor "1 off, 1 more to go"

Carelessly he continued to pour himself more and more alcohol, drowning himself in the harsh liquor with the same thought of when he was a teen, that it would give him the euphoric feeling of his emotional state being changed.

His head started to sink back, closing his eyes he breathed out a long sigh.

Remembering the last time he spent drunkenly with his personal assistant, recalling the past situation when he would wildly get drunk irresponsibly just to rely on the fact that Mirae would have to take care of him later. She was used to it, it isn't as bad lately comparing to when he had just moved back to Korea without Nina.

Already feeling the burnout, he was able to move into a new hotel room as the penthouse was having a deep clean tonight. Facing the wide window, he watched as rooms from other buildings across from his turn off their lights, enjoying the city view below him, he watched as cars and other vehicles pass by.

It was a boring first day back for her, she has only seen Mr. Park once today and it was to let him know of his schedule but he already had his people to tell him.

It was useless to be here, he has his own gang of operators that surround him 24/7, she was just expected by him to not get in his way, how unbothered of him, she thought.

Drawing scribbles on a blank piece of paper as she sat next to Sana who has been constantly asking and talking about her state of being, she knew Mirae had to stay home to rest from feeling sick but didn't know the true reason as Jisoo didn't feel the need to tell her. Mirae also chose to keep quiet as she didn't want to worry her friend, "Sana, I'm sure we are both stressed enough with work, let's talk about this next time" Mirae frowned, poking her pouting cheek.

"But you were gone for so long, and you didn't even read any of my messages" She whined, feeling unsure of her friend's sudden disappearance up until now.

"Did something happen?" She tried to tilt her head to bend down and look Mirae in the eyes, only to receive a head shake with Mirae turning away to continue drawing circles and star shapes all over the paper.

"You wanna get ice-cream later or something?" Mirae suggested, connecting her lips to wet them. 

"I don't mind, I think I'll also leave early today" She smiled and turned to Mirae once again "I have an appointment at 2:00 Pm" 

Mirae smiled softly at the thought, still noticing how her stomach is still pretty small even though she's already 2 months in. 

"Can...can I feel it?" She hesitantly asked, not knowing how else to approach. 

"I mean, the baby is still a fetus so you won't feel the kick or anything but sure" She chuckled softly, reaching for Mirae's hand and putting it on her stomach. 

"You're right, I can only feel your abs," Mirae said with a mischievous smile, getting a puffed out chuckle from Sana, shaking her head.

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