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We were all exhausted by the time we arrived at the cabin. A quick bite to eat was all we could manage before lights out. Morning again arrived all too quickly. At least in the light of day, we could see what we had to work with. The living room, dining room, and kitchen were open and had enough room for us to comfortably sit and move about. The back of the kitchen had a pantry and a small bathroom with a standup shower. The back of the cabin was a large porch with an old washing machine that we had to hand wring out our clothes on. There were also several rocking chairs, I could see many evenings out here. Back inside there was a door to the right of the kitchen from the dining/living room.

"Holy Cow!" Nell said as we stepped into the basement of the cabin. "Never would have expected this."

"No one would have and I suspect that was the point", Nick agreed. This was at least 3 times as large as the cabin. With supplies along the walls as well as camp beds piled up in a corner.

"We need to do an inventory of everything here, what we have and what we may need." There was a wall of medical supplies, but until I knew what I had I didn't know what I needed. Mark offered to help, it was great having someone who knew what we'd need to assist.

Craig concurred with me, "All of this needs to be inventoried. We don't know what we are dealing with. How many there are. Or even what they want."

"We also don't know what is with them", everyone's attention turning to Rom. "Craig, the men who took the car said wolves and men came into town. From what they said it sounds like werewolves or something like that", Nan began to laugh. Mark and Nick stared at her as if she'd lost her mind.

"That is the shittiest thing ever said. You expect us to believe that some damn pack of werewolves has invaded our town?" Nan cracked at her.

"I don't know. Damn it, NAN! I am going off the available information. Do I think this one of those sexy Alpha mate books you keep in the back of your bookshelf?" Nan's blush told us she'd hit the nail on the head. "No, this is our life and life is never storybook material. What I'm saying is we need to make sure and prepare for something that has to be hit with a .44 or double barrel to the head or heart. If whatever is out there is that hard to stop we're in trouble."

"Alright, we only need one problem at a time. Right now we need to inventory everything here and upstairs. After that, we'll..." We all went quiet as the floor above us squeaked. Our eyes flashed to Craig, he's the only one who knew how to handle a situation like this. Using hand signs he directed us to hide while he went up to check things out. Rom grabbed a handgun and followed him up. I made a mental note to learn how to operate one. As a medical professional, I hate the thought, as a human being who loved life I needed to have the ability.

None of us expected the door to fling open or for D to be standing there. "Oh man, am I glad to see yous."

Rom pushed Craig out of her way and grabbed D, "Thank God you're OK. Where are the rest of the guys? Did Greg find you? What about..."

"Chill, take a breath there", D's smile was such a welcome sight. He was such a laid back joker, never failing to see the bright side of a situation and helping to lighten the atmosphere. "Who else is here?"

"Craig, as you saw", D's head nod had his curls bouncing making everyone smile. "Nan, Monica, and,'' Rom was interrupted.

"Me D." Nell rushed up and gave her cousin a hug. "How is the town?"

"Guys ya need to sit for this." D's face made us all sweat. "The town is toast. It was like something out of a sci-fi movie, these guys and big wolves came out of the woods and just destroyed everything. They kept sniffing and then took off, shortly a scream or yelling would be heard. I watched one of the wolves become a dude. One second he was a four-legged furry wolf then boom a naked guy was there." His face was flushed and his hands were shaking. Nell moved over next to him and gave him a hug, she continued to hold him as he spoke. "He grabbed up Annie and cucked her over his shoulder then howled, there as a lot of that sort of thing going on."

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