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"We need more cabins." Nick and Connie announce as a knock is heard at the cabin door. Connie rolls her eyes but goes to answer. This was becoming a regular occurrence. Our community was growing. We now had a shepard family with a flock on the far side of the mountain, goats and boar roamed the area, as well as cattle in the lake valley.

"We come seeking hope." A large male whispers.

From behind me, Nan rushes out to greet the newcomers.

"Nick get with the guys and do what you think is best." He was right we had way too many for our confined space but I would miss our close-knit get-togethers.

"Just think of it, a home of our own," Mark says sitting my tea down in front of me. He rubs my stomach as number two as I call the baby or Payton as Jordan and Mark call the baby, bumps his hand.

"That would be nice but." Laying my head on his, I let him feel my sadness at this passing. No more would we be together this close.

"Suck it up buttercup." Nick growls, "You're moving next door not across the continent." He was tired of the ribbing he and Connie got. They were always being asked if they were rabbits or wolves.

"Hush you," Connie says plopping into his lap. "Pregnant females are allowed their emotions."

"I want to find Rom." I don't know where the words came from; they just appeared.

Nick nodded, we had spoken about her many times.

"How about right after Payton is born we begin to look." Craig says rubbing my shoulders as he passes. I sob. No real reason, just I miss my sister. She should be here to greet her namesake.

"Well, I better work on how to get in contact with her, your due any day now." Connie jumped up and headed out to brainstorm with the others. How had I been so blessed?

Two days later I wasn't feeling so blessed. "NEVER AGAIN!!!"

"Breath Mo, you're doing great," Morgana says as Mark feeds me ice chips and pets my hair.

"I am so happy you're here Ana. I had to birth Jordan. It's not something I ever..." Mark whispers.

"YOU DON'T WANT TO REPEAT??? HOW ABOUT YOU PUSH..." My yelling draws in Connie.

"It takes two to tango so stop complaining. Just this morning you were talking about more kids." Connie breezes in. I can feel her envy, but she tries to tamp it down.

"Connie I", what can I say. She had had 4 heat cycles with Nick and still no pup. Morgana said that when the tie was right it would happen. I was hoping when they moved into their own place it would make it happen.

"Nope, no sadness we are greeting my niece today and I want everything perfect."

I will focus more on trying to find out why she doesn't have the pup of her dreams. She and Nick deserve as many sleepless nights as Mark and I do. With this thought I take another deep breath.

The pressure changes, "GOTTA PUSH!"

"Not yet, soon through", Morgana moves to check. "Breath Mo. You got this."

Mark follows Ana's head as she disappears under the sheet. When her head pops back up, her gin tells him it's time. "Next time you feel the need to push go for it."

"About damn time. Jordan wasn't this long." No, our boy was several days early and more than ready to join us. My entire labor process with him was 6 hours, so much for first babies being the longest labor. This one was going on 12 hours.

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