twenty seven ❝what is going on❞

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-bad bitches only + harry potter

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bad bitches only + harry potter

romilldas hoe: why is everyone
ignoring me
romilldas hoe: ugh i have
such a bad headache
romilldas hoe: what even

gin: you have some nerv
to talk to us

romilldas hoe: what the hell
romilldas hoe: what happened

billius: check your instagram

romilldas hoe: ron tf?

dean: ok jared he said to
check you instagram

mione: i am beyond
disgusted in you potter

romilldas hoe: potter?!

padma: she said what
she said😌

parvati: bitch just check
your instagram

romilldas hoe: okay okay

romilldas hoe: WHAT
romilldas hoe: stella i swear to
god i didn't do that

luna: it seemed pretty
clear in the picture...

seamus: don't make up lies now lmao
seamus: sirius is literally
planning to kill you

romilldas hoe: i am actually
so confused
romilldas hoe: what is going on
romilldas hoe: i don't remember
anything last night

luna: well romillda said
she um
luna: you know what

romilldas hoe: no i don't
know what

gin: she said she fucked

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