thirty ❝romy poo i'm coming for you❞

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Both groups rush to the quidditch pitch to see what is going on.

"Let's just hope she doesn't pull a killing curse on Romillda," Dean mumbled.

"She's related to Bellatrix, let's not make any promises," Blaise replied.

While both groups were running they could hear a spell being shot out.


"To the Instagram live steam, it goes." Theo pulled out his phone.

They finally reached to where Stella was still pointing her wand water bursting out of it.

In the stands, they could see five people sitting down and eating popcorn while cheering. "Is that Sirius, Remus, Fred, George, and Dumbledore?" Harry asked.

"Sure is," Ginny replied. "Come on we need a better view." The two groups ran until they got a better look at the two girls fighting.

"Fuck her up!" Sirius and the twins yelled while Remus and Dumbledore were watching in awe.

"I am so lesbian for her," Padma said astonished.

"Move out the way bottle blonde, I have 1,000 people watching this!" Theo said while shoving Draco away.

"That's my cousin!" Draco yelled.

"Now you want to say that," Hermione rolled her eyes.

"stupefy!" Stella said with ease.

Ron, Seamus, and Dean were laughing their asses off seeing Romillda fly across the quidditch pitch.

"I believe I can fly," Ron sang through chuckles.

"I believe I can touch the sky," Seamus continued.

Stella marched over to Romillda once again to say one last thing.

"Rest in peace to the bitches that dying to be me."

Before she could pull out her wand the whole group ran to where the two girls were. Harry tackled Stella to the ground while the others pulled Romillda away from Stella.

You could hear from the stands booing from the stands.

Stella got up and dusted herself, "And you did this for what?"

"Should of killed that bitch," Draco groaned in annoyance

"So you're saying that you wanted Romillda to get killed?" Daphne asked shocked.

"Exactly what I am saying."

Theo still had the phone in his hand diverting the camera to Stella and Romillda.

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