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//10 years ago// I stared at the boy, the black haired idiot with the charming sea-green eyes.

"Hi!" He said, smiling at me.

I shook my head, "What do you want?! I was reading!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your reading..." He seemed genuine, but of course, I was 6, much too young to understand.

"You're such a jerk!" I said, always have been being one of the over-dramatic types. And... as a little extra... I slapped him.

He ended up running away from me, crying to his mother.

Dear Diary,

Hey, its me, Annabeth Chase. It's the New Year. Well, not actually, it's the first day of school in the new year. My mark is on my hand, as if I slapped someone or something. So... lets see who has a hand print on their face...

In the morning, I woke up, getting ready and leaving for school. I walked through the halls, explaining the mark to my BFF's, Calypso, Piper, Hazel, and Thalia.

"Girl, you've slapped so many people, it's going to be extremely difficult for you to find out who it is." Piper laughed.

"Well, only one of the people she slapped could have the mark so..." Hazel said.

"Well my mark was on my arm. I've only been touched on the arm but very few boys." Piper said, holding her arm.

"Mine was on my pinky, as if we made a pinky promise!" Hazel smiled, innocent as always.

"I bet it's Frank, he's the only boy cinnamon-rolly enough to make a pinky promise with you." Piper smirked.

"Well I bet yours is Jason then." Thalia said to Piper. "You two are always hanging out in his bedroom. Kinda sus."

I burst out laughing, "Thalia, you actually want to go there? I bet your's is your secret crush!"

"You know about her- I mean that person?!" Thalia asked, startled. 

"Mhm! Reynaaaaaaaaaaa~"

"Shut upppppppppp~"

Piper snickered, "I bet it's on your bu-"

"INNOCENT EARS PIPER!" I shout, covering Hazel's ears.

"Sorry, hehe." Piper smirked.

"Okay, time for class though, so let's get going." I start walking to class when a commotion happened behind me. I turned around.

"Annabeth, look! It's Percy-" Piper said.

Ah, Percy Jackson. One of the more popular, trouble making boys in school. Followed by Jason and Nico. They were all, like, cousins or something. Nico was more gothic, younger, but more mature than Jason and Percy combined.

Percy had a handprint on his face, proudly showing it off.

"OOoooooOooOooO, Annabeth, would you look at that." Piper said to me. I met eyes with Percy.

The same idiotic smile, messy black hair, sea green eyes...

"Let's go." I said, looking at my hand. "I've slapped many guys before, that might be someone else."

"Who slaps someone, besides you, that they just met? Oh right, nobody. Except you." Piper said, sitting down at her desk next to me.

"Hey Annabeth!" Someone said. I turned, some loose strands of blonde hair falling in front of my face.

"Percy Jackson, to what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Can I see you hand?" He smiled slightly, almost sheepishly.

I held out my hand, only to slap him, "No, you may not have my hand, now go."

Percy sighed and walked away.

"No need to be so mean about it Annie. He was just trying to see if you were his soulmate."

"Well I'm not!"

"What kinda beef do you have with him?" Thalia asked from in front of me.

"I don't have 'beef' with him." I say.

"If you say so..." Piper muttered, turning to Chiron Brunner, our homeroom teacher.

"Good morning students! Today, we are starting a new book called: Wonder!"

"We know that story though, Mr. Brunner."

"I understand, Mr. Jackson, but we need to learn some life lessons in this class." He said. "If you need help, I'm sure I could get you a tutor."

The class echoed with laughter, and Percy flushed in embarrassment.

"I'll talk to you after class," Mr. Brunner chuckled and carried on with the lesson.

"Miss Chase, mind staying for a brief moment?" Mr. Brunner asked as everyone was leaving.

"Of course!" I said, nodding at Piper. "Meet you at lunch, see ya!"

Piper waved and walked out.

I walked up to Mr. Brunner's desk, Percy also standing there.

"Percy has specifically asked for-"

"Not specifically, just for some help." Percy said quickly, interrupting Mr. Brunner.

"Ahem, as I was saying, Percy has specifically asked for you to help him with his reading abilities."

"Do you not know how to read?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowing.

"No, I do know how too, I just want to become better at it."

"Mhm, why me?" I ask, looking at Mr. Brunner.

"Annabeth, you are my smartest student, who else is fit for this job?"

I nod slowly, "Fine,"

"Great!" Percy smiled. "See you at lunch!"

He ran out of the room, leaving me and Mr. Brunner alone.

"Annabeth, I understand you will help him, not ignore him, correct?"

"Of course, Mr. Brunner." I nod. Second bell rand, signifying I should probably get to the next class. "Bye, see you tomorrow!"

I ran to my next class, thinking about what a monstrosity this would cause...

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