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After Ricky's appointment with Dr. Cowell he felt a lot more confident, so when Big Red invited him to a group sleepover and movie night at his house this weekend, he couldn't refuse.

"Great! The party starts at seven, but if you want you can come early to help set up." Big Red offered.

"What time should I be over?"

"Gina and Howie will be here at six. I was gonna invite Ashlyn to help set up. . . but I froze up and asked G and Howie instead." Big Red admitted.

Ricky rolled his eyes, "Don't worry, I'll make sure you and Ashlyn get some alone time at the party, and I'll be there at six to set up." Ricky confirmed.

"Thanks man."

"Yeah, no problem. Before I let you go, I gotta ask, is E.J. gonna be there?" Ricky asked, hoping Big Red wouldn't question it.

"Nini said he was busy and Ashlyn confirmed that he had a family thing? Why did you wanna know?" Big Red asked, looking away from the screen.

Ricky shrugged, "No reason in particular, listen I've gotta go."

"Okay, see ya." Big Red replied and abruptly ended there FaceTime. Ricky puffed up his cheeks with air as he debated how he was going to bring this up to his dad. If Nini was going to be there without E.J. it was absolutely crucial that Ricky be there-- maybe he'd even get that alone time Dr. Cowell was talking about.

He ran a hand through his curls and bounded down the stairs. He rounded the corner into the kitchen where his dad was attempting to make dinner. "Hey dad. . . can I ask you something?"

"What do you want?" Mike Bowen raised an eyebrow.

Ricky furrowed his brows, "What makes you think I want something?" he challenged.

"You only use this type of voice when you want something-- or you broke something. And I'm guessing you didn't break anything."

"Okay well you're right, I didn't break anything, and I do want something." Mike motioned for his son to continue and Ricky not-so eloquently stated his plight. "Big Red is hosting a movie night this weekend and I was hoping that maybe you'd find it in your heart to let me go. It is a sleepover however I-"

"It's fine Ricky, you can go." Mike cut Ricky off.

"I can go?" Ricky asked, hoping his farther hadn't made in error in his speech.

Mike shrugged, "Like I said, I trust Big Red, he seems like a good kid with harmless friends. If you wanna have a sleepover I don't see why I can't allow it."

"Thanks dad," Ricky replied, taken aback by his father's kindness.

There was a pause, "You know what, I'll even let you take the car." Mike smiles, feeling extra generous that particular.

Ricky's eyes widened with surprise. His dad hadn't let him drive his car anywhere since he'd gotten expelled. His two major punishments were no car and then the deep clean that his dad had done of his room, where he confiscated all of Ricky's illegal and dangerous possessions. "You- you'll let me drive the car," Ricky stammered in unbelief.

Mike nodded, "Just for this one time. Maybe we can discuss having full control over your keys again in the future, but for now, I'll give you this one night."

"Thanks dad, uh- for everything." Ricky awkwardly thanked his father for the second time.

"Yeah no problem, Now sit down, I think dinner's ready."


Ricky slid behind th e wheel of his car, unsure is he even remembered how to start it. The car came alive and Ricky smiled to himself, he plugged his phone into the aux and turned on his favorite song as he made the drive to Big Red's house. Big Red didn't live far, and it had been a particularly sunny day that Ricky had sent most of cooped up inside so Ricky wouldn't have minded skating, but there was no way he was going to miss an opportunity to take his car out. He slowed down when he got the Redonovich's driveway. He noticed a blue car parked in the street and he figured that it must be Howie's considering the fact that Gina didn't have her license. He parked behind the car and gathered his stuff and went up to the front door.

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