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Monday morning, Big Red inched slowly towards Ricky's locker. "Dude..." he lead with, causing Ricky to turn his attention to him. "What happened this weekend?" Big Red asked, as if he thought Ricky knew the answer.

Ricky sighed and closed his locker, "I have no idea. Last thing I remember was us like, laughing about something."

"But I can't remember what about." Big Red finished Ricky's thought. "Next thing I know I'm waking up on Ashlyn's couch." Big Red said, not sounding too upset.

"That's rough." Ricky replied. He was unsure if he should tell Big Red that he had spent the night with Nini in her bed. After all, Nini was his best friend and she did have a boyfriend.

So yeah- maybe saying something wasn't a good idea.

"Where did you end up?" Big Red asked Ricky, because of course he would.

"I don't know how it happened, or how I got there, but I woke up in my own bed."

Big Red raised in eyebrow in surprise, "Damn, was your dad mad?"

Ricky nodded, "Yeah he was disappointed to say the least- but he didn't ground me which was surprising."

"Lucky you." Big Red smiled and held out his fist for Ricky to bump.

"Morning boys." A very exhausted looking Gina said as she joined them on their way to homeroom.

"Good morning Gi-" Big Red greeted, more chipper than he had been with Ricky.

Gina sighed after waiting for a response from Ricky, which she didn't get, "Some weekend, huh?"

Ricky scoffed, "Tell me about it." He laughed a little.

"Yeah I still don't feel like myself." Red commented.

Gina shook her head, "Remind me never to drink that much ever again."

Big Red laughed, "Yeah right, like after one shot you'd actually listen to me." He rolled his eyes.

Ricky didn't really talk much, sure he was friends with Big Red, but he didn't really like Gina so much. Maybe he'd come around.

While the two beside him joked about future parties and past hangovers, Ricky turned and spotted Nini down the hall, with EJ, of course.

She looked gorgeous, as always, her hair tucked behind her ears, her back leaning a little against the wall as EJ stood over her, closer than what Ricky would've liked to be experiencing. He internally groaned and was grateful that his homeroom was in the opposite direction. "I'm gonna head to class- I'll catch you guys later?" He asked, knowing that he may not be able to keep that promise if he had said it as a statement.

"Yeah, man. Later." Red waved as Ricky walked away from the two. Ricky pulled out his earbuds as he walked into his homeroom, zoning out for as long as he could.


Ricky slumped in a not-so comfortable chair outside of Principal Gutierrez's office. During first hour, Ricky had received a note from someone that interrupted their class (and Ricky's nap) to deliver the message that Ricky was needed in Principal Gutierrez's office during lunch.

Ricky wasn't nervous, as far as he was concerned he hadn't done anything wrong. He tapped his foot against the carpeted floor and drummed his fingers on his thigh. Ricky was almost glad to be missing lunch. Being here was better than making up some lie to Gina as to why he couldn't sit with them and instead had to sit at a different table. It's not that he felt bad for lying, it's just that he really hated lying in general.

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