Part 19 || acceptance

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Taehyung's POV

I slammed the door shut and walked away crying. After everything I did for her she just goes on and cheats on me. So she didn't even lose an earring she just used it as an excuse to meet up with Hyunjae. She's been probably doing that since before. How could I have been so stupid! I sat down on one of the logs near the forest and cried.

Joy: "hey Tae" I looked up from my hands and see her taking a seat beside me

Taehyung: "first of don't EVER call me that and second what do you want?" I moved away from her and faced the other side

Joy: "do you still not like me? I literally saved you from wasting time on y/n" I didn't know what to think. Yes she did reveal everything to me but I feel like y/n is telling the truth but I don't even know anymore "you know during breaks she would drag me in the bathroom and punch me and pull my hair" I look at her wide eyed, how could y/n do that?

Taehyung: "s-she really d-did that?" She nodded and looked forward

Joy: "I tried telling you but she kept threatening me saying that she'll kill me if I did" I felt my heart beat faster and my breathing became unstable. I just couldn't accept the fact that y/n would do that.

Taehyung: "I have to go" I was standing up when she pulled me back down and kissed me. I widened my eyes and pushed her off. "What the fuck Joy!" She didn't say anything but cried

Joy: "do you still choose y/n over me? After everything she's done!" She looked at me crying while saying the last statement

Taehyung: "Joy look, I never loved you and never did. Even if I found out all these secrets about y/n that won't make me love you" I walked away looking for a quieter space. My y/n did all that? What else did she do? She kept being a red a secret, she cheated on me, she threatened Joy, and she bullied her. I don't know what to think anymore.

Namjoon: "Taehyung!" I looked up and saw BTS running towards me

Jungkook: "are you ok?" They all comforted me and watched me cry.

Taehyung: "I just can't believe she hid everything from me"

Suga: "she hid everything from us too"

Jin: "we trusted her but she broke it" we just ended up talking about the situation for a while


Y/N: "Beomgyu..." I sniffled and looked at him "it hurts" I pointed at my chest.

Beomgyu: "I know, I know... it hurts too" we cried on each other's shoulders for a while.

Y/N: "what're we gonna do now?"

Beomgyu: "I don't know bud, I don't know..."


Beomgyu: "come on we have to get up" he tried lifting me up form the floor but once I tried standing my knees just dropped again. I couldn't even find the strength in me to stand up. I was just so tired and all I can think of was Taehyung.

Y/N: "I'm sorry Beomgyu I really am... if I had just told Tae last night none of this-"

Beomgyu: "shut up" I look up at him "it's not your fault" he's probably angry at me "before you think it I'm not angry at you"

Y/N: "how did-"

Beomgyu: "I've known you since diapers and plus I can mind read you, now come on I'm guessing our partners don't wanna sit with us in the bus so let's just sit together" I nodded and got up


Taehyung's POV

We all boarded the bus and I sat beside Jungkook while Jimin with Ara. We sat towards the back and I saw y/n and Beomgyu walking towards us finding a seat. We made eye contact but I looked away. She sat down with Beomgyu while I just stared at her. 2 reds completely disguised...

<time skip>

It was a Friday today so we could go home already. We were now unloading all our luggages off the bus. As I was gonna reach for my luggage a hand touched mine. I looked to the side and see y/n. I quickly grab my luggage slightly hitting her and walking away. I could feel her sigh but I didn't care. By now the students have already gone home so it was only our gang that was here. As we were walking out of the really rocky parking lot I accidentally tripped but I didn't feel the impact on the floor. I opened my eyes and see I was mid way falling, I look up and see y/n stopping my fall with her powers. We all just stared at her and she quickly realized what she's done. She made me stand up straight with her powers and retracted her hand. She then started walking away fast with Beomgyu.

Jungkook: "she still cares for you" I scoff and continued pulling my luggage


Beomgyu: "want me to go to your house later and hangout?" I nodded sadly and he walked off going to his house. I entered the door and when I came in I saw my brother and the rest of got7

Mark: "hey y- ARE YOU CRYING?!" I quickly wiped my tears and smiled

Y/N: "it's just I'm sad that our trip is over, I'm going upstairs now see ya!" I ran as fast as I could to the stairs but I was stopped with my brothers powers. His friends knew we were reds so there was no problem. At least they could accept it

Mark: "sit down and tell me or us what's wrong"

Y/N: "what are you talking about?" I smiled looking away

Mark: "you're not making eye contact with me that's one of your signs when you lie so just spill"

Mark's POV

I stare at y/n while the rest of got7 waited for her to speak. We're all actually pretty close, we're all like big brothers towards y/n. Got7 were all yellows so our ranking weren't that far from each other. I continued staring at her and I see she slowly starts tearing up again.

Y/N: "T-Tae and I b-broke up"

Got7: "WHAT!"

Jinyoung: "that bitch is gonna get it!" He stood up but I pulled him back down

Mark: "and why did you guys break up!" She explained everything to me and I just couldn't believe Taehyung.

Jackson: "ugh! He's such a baby! Reds are monsters? Pffft you guys are awesome how could he say that!" Y/n looked down and I pulled her into a hug.

JB: "we can beat him up for you"

Bambam: "just say the word and you got it"

Yugyeom: "can I hit him first?"

Youngjae: "no! I wanna do the first hit"

Mark: "just say the word sis and we'll beat him up for you"

Y/N: "guys it's fine, thanks for the concern but don't beat him up" I wanted to cheer y/n up and I remembered something

Mark: "come on sis I have something for you that might cheer you up" she wiped her tears and looked at me with hopeful eyes.

Jinyoung: "remember you're dream college from the states?" She nodded, Bambam then gave me the envelope and I showed it to y/n

Y/N: "is this...?"

Mark: "go on and read it" she opened it with shakey hands and all of us waited for her reaction. She sighed but didn't give any reaction

Jackson: "well?"

Y/N: "I-i can't believe it"

JB: "what is it?"

Y/N: "I got in"

Sorry haven't been able to update for a while... I placed acrylics on my nails and it was really hard for me to type but I removed them not long ago so I'll post more chapters more often. Don't forget to vote!!

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