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Disclamier: Some of the  stands are ideas i took from the video above watch it to get an idea of some of the stands i used and James is not the person in the cover.

Jotaro,Todoroki and Josuke emerged in a green garden which wasnt so green anymore.It seemed like all the plants in the are had shrivled up into a dark greyish ash colour and there was someone fighting in the middle of the garden.

It seemed like all the plants in the are had shrivled up into a dark greyish ash colour and there was someone fighting in the middle of the garden

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                (Just imagine this lol but all grey)

There stood a boy who looked about 16 fighting a stand in the middle.A bubble seemed to be protecting another person inside and another stand user,this time a girl stood near the bubble and seemed to be healing the injured person inside.Todoroki immediatly recognised the person inside.He didnt scream out her name but he did in his head."Yaomomo!"

"Did you really think you could escape the effects of  Mr Blue Sky? It's range is infinite.You will never escape James Joestar." It said in a metallically cold and emotionless voice.

"Gah.. More stand users? Where did they come from?"

He noticed the others watching from behind.

"Hey whoever you are stay away from here he'll kill you this is my business!"

"it appears i have more vicitims to dissipate but i will deal with them later.You shall die first James Joestar."

Jotaro heard the name joestar and muttered a silent Yare Yare... He stepped forward and approached the stand and James.

"Oh so you're approaching me? Even though i gave you a chance to live you're coming closer?"

"It's my duty as a joestar."

"now this was unexpected." it said. "Guess ill just have to take you both on.It shouldn't be a problem.Ill make quick work of this."

"If you're really a joestar you must have come here with the corpse then.My sister is right there healing that girl which got attacked by his stand ability.We have to fall back.Stopping time won't do anything to him."

Jotaro hid his look of distrust from him. Questions later he had to help this Joestar for now.

"Anyways this sta-"

They were cut off by a ball of  a dark substance flying at them.Jotaro dodged to the left while James stood there.There didn't seem to be any movements from the stand but it somehow was released towards them.

"Sokoda!"(there) James released his stand and punched the energy coming at him with a loud Ora! The energy suddenly dissipated for a few seconds and returned to where it was released from. "I can only temporarily stop it but it'll give that other joestar enough time to sneak up behind him."

"You don't have a weakness but i know how you work Mr Blue sky! Don't you dare get any closer!"

(Insert stand stats)

Stand Name: Back in Black(Bad Black)






Ability:Complete control over any aspect of sound.Similar to In a silent way,Bad Black can solidify and make sounds real and use the sounds of objects against enemies.Its unique ability comes not from the sound itself but from the possibilities of what it can do.As long as a stands name is mentioned it can tell information about it from the sound of its name and possibly use a portion of their abilities.

Backup ability:If an enemy stand does not produce sound,it forces them to produce sound through their attacks so the sound can be used against them.(Ability name=Paradise City)

"Jotaro though his stand looked unique but it wasn't time to think of such things.It was very clear the message he was trying to give.Get behind him.Get behind him then what? Punch him?Jotaro didn't know.He went with it.

In the background Josuke and Todoroki slowly approached the girl who stood near the injured girl on the floor.

"Don't come any closer! Panic Preventation!"

She drew out her stand which resembled a black cloaked ghost with a space helmet.In josukes opinion it didnt look too dangerous,but from experience he knew what stands could do.

"We aren't your enemies! The kid next to me knows the person you're healing."

"Firstly,im not exactly healing her just stopping the effects of his stand from spreading.This black part on her is being contained by my bubbles i made.Secondly,how do i know that i can trust you and how did you get into here?"

"Long story short a part of some corpse brought use here and we need the help of the joestars to stop someone evil."

"The corpse?"The girls said it with hints of recognition and wonder in her voice.

"Sorry but i need you to move for a second."Todoroki approached Momo faster.This time,the girl didn't stop him.

Josuke didn't barge.He apoligetically walked up towards momo and began healing her.

"My name is Shizuka.Shizuka Joestar.What's yours?I can feel the blood of the joestars running through you."

"S-shizuka? I thought your stand made you invisible?"

"I think you're talking about the wrong person.Panic preventation has always been my ability.This is the result of it.This pocket dimension.I guess the power of that corpse easily allowed you guys to enter without me being able to block you guys out."Shizuka said lamenting and slightly mad.

Shizuka wondered how the boy in front of her knew her name,but clearly he was talking about a different version of her.Perhaps that versoin of her had their own bizarre set of adventures.

Their attention was suddenly diverted.

A rapid succesion of loud "Oras!" were heard coming from where James and Jotaro were fighting Mr Blue sky.It didnt seem fazed at all by the attacks.Suddenly it turned around.Jotaro wasn't prepared.

"Star platinum za warudo!"

Time was stopped.Not a single life form moved.Jotaro would have to find an angle or he could be seriously injured or even crippled by the attack coming towards him.He dodged to the right.Suddenly...

(Go down)

(HA YALL THOUGHT IT WAS A PROPER ENDING BUT IT WAS I CLIFFHANGER! XD dont worry im working on the next part it will be out soon yall)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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