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So the next morning Autumn would wake up incredibly ill with like a massive headache and stuff, and it continue's when they get back to LA, Gabbie takes her to get a pregnancy test but it's negative. Corbyn tries to persuade Autumn to go to the Doctors to find out what's wrong with her but she doesn't want to incase there is anything wrong and hospitals remind her of her mum. But Scott(her brother) takes her to an appointment anyway, where they run a load of tests.

I would then have switched to Corbyn's POV and have him stressed waiting for a text or call or them to get back and then he would get a call from Autumn, saying she thinks they should break up, Corbyn protests asking her what's wrong that they can get through it, if it's a kid and the test had been a dud he would be so happy and she just whispers I don't want to hurt you I'm sorry before hanging up.

The next chapter Bella takes Autumn to the boys house whilst they're out to collect her stuff, Autumn is very upset and Bella is asking her why they broke up, the boys get home before they leave and Corbyn asks Autumn for a chat. During their 'chat' tempers rise when Autumn won't tell Corbyn what happened in her appointment, until they are both hosting at each other and then autumn shouts "I have cancer okay, I'm dying and I don't want to hurt you" which makes Corbyn go quite. They then sit down and talk about it, she would have stage 4 bone cancer and starts treatment in a week. They get back together as Corbyn promises that they will fight it together and he would never leave her or hurt her.

The next week they would do loads of activities like go to Disney land and like run across the beach, go skinny dipping in moonlight and some other stuff. When Autumn goes in for her first session of chemo she goes with Corbyn and Scott even though everyone wants to come they don't let them as it would be too overwhelming.

This is where my ideas become less precise. As Autumn continues Chemo they boys head off on tour, even though they don't want to and Gabbie and Bella help autumn, who has become very weak as the chemo isn't working. The boys last concert is in New York and as Autumn always wanted to go their she is determined to go. So she does (at one point before this she did reveal she had cancer to their fans who most of are supporting her) and gets backstage during the concert and whilst the boys are talking to the fans in a break from singing she walks ups and put her arms around Corbyn and all the boys are very excited to see her.

Her when they get back to LA, she improves for a bit but then relapses completely and is told she doesn't have long left after the cancer spreads and causes one of her kidneys to shut down and she gets a chest infection. During that time Gabbie has Lavender in the same hospital and Autumn and wheeled down to meet her goddaughter which is very sweet. On the way back to her room with Corbyn she breaks down, as she won't have any kids with him, she won't grow old, she'll leave him alone, she won't be able to see Lavender grow up and she's leaving her brother alone after he lost so much and she's scared of hurting everyone, which Corbyn then confides in her that he will be okay and that everyone will looks after each other and cherish her memory, and that it's okay to die, Autumn will be able to be without pain in piece and Corbyn knows she will look out for everyone with her mum as their guardian Angels.

Autumn then dies a few days later, with corbyn and Scott at her side. I would have written a sad funeral with Corbyn doing a eulogy and finding a letter she wrote with plans for him and ideas of people he could go out with once he's ready.

Thats it I was looking forward to writing the later chapters but I have no motivation to write anymore so I hope you enjoyed it and liked the idea of what was going to happen I bet you didn't expect it. Thank You for all the support on this I enjoyed writing it (until I didn't) 

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