~Chapter 12~

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Autumn's POV

Beep beep beep beep. The sound ripped through the silence of the house, pulling me out of my dreams. I sat up and flung my arm to the side, trying to find my alarm to turn it off. I pulled my duvet back to get out and shivered as the cold air of the house into the bubble of warm that had developed.

Fifteen minutes later I was dressed in shorts, crop top, hoodie and knee brace, sitting at the breakfast bar in the kitchen eating a bowl of cocoa pops. No one else was up and I had expected it like that. There was something relaxing about it being early morning in a silent house, alone,. listening to the birds/early morning commuters.

"Hey" A groggy voice said behind me. I whipped round and saw Zach standing in the doorway.

"What are you doing up?" I asked. He wasn't just up having just woken up. His hair was done and he was dressed properly as if he was about to go out.

"I couldn't sleep" he came over and jumped up next to me at the breakfast bar. "What's for breakfast"

"Well I'm having cocoa pops and you're having whatever you get yourself"

"Why don't you have pancakes on the first day, my mum always me pancakes"

"Well I'm the one going school not you" I joked" Zach's face fell, he must have really wanted pancakes. I glanced at the clock. Half an hour until Bella was going to be here. "I'll make you some pancakes quickly though" his face immediately lit up

I started collecting and mixing everything and we were in silence, I was happy it being quiet, it meant I could concentrate but Zach obviously didn't like silence much

"what were you and Corbyn talking about last night"

"Claire" I said hoping that would satisfy him.

"Whose Claire?"

"She's my British friend"

"I don't want to sound mean here at all but then why were you upset"

"I wasn't"

"You were, you're eyes were red and puffy" for not seeming that he cared, Zach sure noticed alot

" Fine, Claire and I became friends through my parents' divorces. I was telling Corbyn the story, I never used to cry but it's harder now. I always think about my mum and what my dad said to me and Scott after she died a-and....can we stop talking about it now please" I could tell if i carried on I would start to cry.

"Sure, I'm sorry Autumn" he got up and came round to give me a hug.

--- --- ---

Soon enough I had grabbed my bag, done my teeth and was waiting for Bella to pull up. I was sitting on the couch next to Zach who was eating his pancakes. We were silent but it wasn't an awkward silence, just silence. I was scrolling through Instagram, liking posts. I suddenly stopped and dropped my phone. Zach leaned over and picked it up and looked at it.

"Who's Marcus? And why are you his girl?" He asked

"Marcus is my ex-boyfriend, he's the one who pushed me into the road and I'm his girl because if people at school find out what happened it will affect his popularity to much" I say, simply and flashed him a fake smile.

"Then why don't you do something about it"

"I don't know, but when I do, do something I want to really hurt him, not physically though, like he did me" Zach stared at me and I thought over what I just said. "That's sounded physco oops" I laughed and luckily enough Zach did too.

I was saved by the doorbell. I said a quick bye to Zach grabbed my bag and went outside. Bella's car was run down, which is why we used to walk but as I live to far away now we have to drive and hope the car doesn't break.

It didn't take long to get to school and soon enough we were standing outside the main entrance. I was nervous, I don't know why, I was probably just scared of Marcus. For reassurance I grabbed Bella's hand and smiled.
"Let's go, Bells" she laughed and smiled back. We then pushed the doors open and walked into the crowded corridor.

We went straight to our homeroom. loads of people were already in there, including Marcus. I ignored him and walked straight towards our little group at the back of the room. After about 5 minutes of every one saying what their summer was like, the bell went and we all found seats before Mr Collins our teacher walked in. Mr Collins's acted as if it wasn't the first day back, he took the register and read notices as per usual.

"And finally, Autumn can you please go to the front office" I nodded and grabbed my bag before getting up and going. On the way I wondered what was going on, was it because I missed the end of last year, was I in trouble, did I need to do something?

I was greeted by a our receptionist, Mrs Green, she doubled checked who I was and then explained why I was called to the office.
"So you've been allocated to look after a student who's new this year, as you have similar time tables. He should officially be in the year above you but he took a year from school, to work on his career, his name's Zach Herron, unfortunately he's not-" she was cut off by Zach coming in, late as usual.

"ZACH!" I said probably a bit louder than I should have. Running over and giving him a hug."I thought you would be doing online school this year"

"Well, it's too boring, you can't chat to people at the back of class" he answered, shrugging. We left the office and I started going in the direction of maths which was our first lesson.

"So this is why you were up early this morning"

"Yeah, how am I gonna get used to it"

"We'll get used to it, it just gets harder"I smiled as he groaned.

We got to maths just on time and I went to introduce Zach to the teacher before sitting down next to Bella.

"You didn't tell me Zach was going to school."

"I didn't know"

"But how did he manage to keep it a secret from you, he lasted less than half and hour with the secret of you you living with them" I laughed.

"I don't know, but I do know that this is going to be a good first day" Bella nodded as Zach sat down next to me.

"I wouldn't have come back if maths was going to be my first lesson" he said with a fake sad face. I smirked at him trying not laugh, but failing. My good mood didn't last long when the door opened again, revealing Marcus.

"Sorry I'm late, sir. I went to the wrong class." He said to the teacher and then came and sat in front of me, turned around and said to Zach in a cold tone "who said you could sit next to my girlfriend"

"Because, I said so" I said in an angry whisper, and avoiding having Zach speaking, just incase. Marcus rolled his eyes, smirked and looked back to the front.

Maybe this isn't going to be such a good first day.


Yes I rewrote this chapter

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