~Chapter 6~

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Autumn's POV

Let's just say I really hope I never break myself so bad again. Physio is the worst, pain racked through my body every time I moved my leg. The only thing that stopped me giving up was that the harder I work on this the sooner I'll be able to get out of this into the real world and meet up with Corbyn.

By the end I was exhausted. On the way back I was left me just down the corridor to my room as I wanted to get some food from the vending machine (food that was actually edible).

When I went into my room there was a women there.

"Hi Autumn" she said. I knew she looked familiar, I just couldn't place where I knew her from.

"Hi?" Then it all came flooding back. This was Lucy, not only was she Marcus's mother, but she was also part of the people in the council who tried to split me up from my brother. "What do you want? .... In fact why don't you just leave"

"I know we have had....um differences in the past but I promise that the reasons why I'm here aren't professional. I'm just as I want to ask you questions, I promise that'll be no consequences." I couldn't believe her, it was like last time all over again.

"I'd prefer if you'll just leave" I  wheeled myself over and tried to get myself back onto the bed but my leg just was overcome with pain for the hundredth time this morning. I fell back into the chair, with my whole body covered in pain.

"Are you alright?" Okay so at least she was caring.

"No, does it look like I can do this with out help." I snapped.  She looked like she was about to say something but stopped herself and came round to help me into the bed.

When I was in the bed, I expected her to leave but no, she sat back down.

"So am I able to ask you questions now?"

"Fine" This woman knew I hated her, yet she still decided to come and see me on 'personal' reasons.

"Ok, so first of all, Marcus told me and his father that you slipped whilst walking back from school." WHAT! "I don't know whether to believe him or not."

"First of all, your little demon of a son was probably the worst boyfriend ever. I didn't realise it at first but he was so controlling and doesn't care about anything apart from his image and uses your money to enforce that"  Lucy looked shocked but to be honest from what I've seen of her mother side, she's one of those people whose little angel could never do anything wrong. " I was too scared to say or do anything but last weekend when he turned me away was the last straw. I broke up with him on the walk back from school and we'll he got angry, we argued and he pushed me backwards........ The next thing I know is that, I wake up here apparently having been very lucky." She was silent just staring at me, anger and sorrow in her eyes.

"My son did this. THIS "

"not only that. Yesterday he came to visit me and threatened me to keep quiet and only left when someone stopped him"

"I'm taught to be able to keep level headed in all situations but my son did not only lie to me but he pushed you into oncoming traffic."  She put her head into her hands.  "What can I do to make this up to you? Not just this but everything "

"Nothing, it doesn't matter"

"Yes. Yes it does matter...... You know what I'm going to pay all your hospital bills for this."

"Wait what! No, you can't do that"

"Yes, yes I can." She got up and walked towards the door. "I'm sorry for everything."

And with that she left. She didn't have to pay my hospital bills. Not that I'm complaining. I thought about this for ages until I finally drifted to sleep.

                              -- -- --     

Corbyn's POV

I felt so bad. I was falling for this girl and within five minutes of meeting her, I lied to her. I lied to her when I hadn't realised I was going to fall for her now I'm going to tell her. I'm going to tell her for my own peace of mind and so hopefully she'll understand me. I'm going too not only tell her about the band but introduce her to the boys.

  I was due to be let out of hospital in three days and although I told them not to all the boys wanted to come visit me.

I was playing fortnite when they came in. Jonah, Jack, Zach and  Daniel. They all filed in and sat down around me.

"Daniel, Zach I literally saw you three days ago." I said

"Yeah and?" Daniel said

"Look Corbyn we just wanted to see you the house had been so quiet without you even though Zach was still there." Jonah put in.

"I'm not that loud" Zach claimed practically shouting, causing everyone to burst out laughing apart from Zach who was confused.

"So can we all join in?" Jack pointed at the Fortnite.

"No, I want to introduce you to someone"

"Ooo" Daniel shoved me.

"Its just a girl and I want to introduce her to you guys. Is that so wrong" They all started making agreement noises.

After about five minutes they agreed, so I lead them down the corridor to her room. I saw her nurse exiting and ran up to her.

"Hey, can I go in or is Autumn asleep." I asked.

"Yeah, you can go in that's fine she said she woke up about 15 minutes ago"

"K thanks. Bye" I ran back to where the boys were waiting.

"Ok so I'm going to go in and then I call you when I want you to come in. And don't do anything weird" I looked at Zach for the last past. They agreed and I went in to see Autumn.

She was sitting on her bed getting school work up.

"School work already?" She looked up and smiled at me.

"I hate catch up work so." She shrugged and laughed.

"Well I actually came in here to tell you something, so school can wait." She smiled.

"Well I have something to tell you too."

"Ok then you go first." I said intrigued.

"When j got back from physio Marcus' m up m was here and I explained to her what had happened, turns out Marcus lied to her. She felt like she owed me so she declared that she was gonna pay all my bills. I wasn't even allowed to protest." She said it so quickly I only caught half of it but I think I got the idea.

"That's so great."

"Your turn now"

"Ok, so you know when I first met you day before yesterday but and you asked me if I did anything to do with music?" I started


"Well basically, I kinda lied to you. I'm part of this band. There's five of us and we live together here in LA. I don't know why but I felt so bad lying to you, so -" I was cut of by the door opening and Zach falling in. "Zach!" He got up brushed himself down and came in followed by the others. "Yeah so this is Zach, Jack, Jonah and Daniel and together were Why Don't We."  Autumn's eyes grew wide and then her face lit up with a smile.

"That's so cool! Hi guys, I'm Autumn" she waved at the boys, they answered 'Hi' but unfortunately (on purpose) in Harmony.

"Guys I said don't do anything weird" I said trying not to laugh but I failed and everyone burst out laughing.

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