~Chapter 7~

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Autumn's POV

I'd only known him for about 24 hours but I knew this boy better than half my school. Not only was I developing a small crush but I just felt like I could trust him with almost anything. He was so kind and sweet and I guess talented if he is in a band. The good looks was just the cherry on top. The rest of the boys seemed really nice as well. We laughed for about 5 minutes as as soon as the laughter died down someone would do or say something which would start us up again. Suddenly a phone started to ring and the tall one reached into his pocket and answered it.

"Hello" there was some talking in the other end. "Yeah sure, we'll be home in ten" he hung up. "So basically we need to go, but Corbyn we will see you on Wednesday and Autumn nice meeting you."

"You too. Bye guys" I said, yeah I was sad, these boys were really nice and I probably wasn't going to see them again. Corbyn said bye and then they left leaving just me and Corbyn.

"Why are you seeing them.on Wednesday, I thought you didn't want them to come visit you?" I asked. He looked down.

"I'm being discharged in Wednesday." What! I'd just met this person and he was leaving in a few days.

"Oh, ok"

"Autumn, don't be sad. Your brother will be here, so will your parents" he said, trying to console me.

"No..... I'll just have my brother" he got embarrassed and started becoming red.

"Oh, I'm sorry do you want to talk about it?"

"Yeah actually I would." Most people know about my mum but no one really knew about my dad.

"So you know I used to live in England."


"So when I was about nine my mum found like a ultrasound photo thing in my Dad's trousers and it turned out he had another girlfriend who he was going to have a baby with." I could already feel my eyes filling up with water. "They split up and my mum took me and Scott with her back to LA as that's where her parents lived but not after a long court case. We used to go every summer back to England to stay with our Dad. He has like three more kids now..... It's almost two years now.... my Mum went out to get our dinner. After an about an hour me and my brother got worried." I was crying now but I'd started telling my story and I had to finish now "We got a knock on our door and it was a police officer and I called Scott as he was older than me. The policeman said that on her way home a-a drunk driver h-hit her car and that she was now in hospital. The police officer drove us to hospital where we could see our mum. She was unconscious but we stayed with her for hours, talking to her, comforting her and eachother until we were rush to the corridor as nurses piled into her room. I fell asleep on Scott's shoulder and I was woken up by a nurse saying that Mum's heart was failing and - and that we should say goodbye. She - she died fifteen minutes later." Corbyn's face was filled with sympathy for me. "But that's not all. Our grandparents had died a few years ago and so we didn't have anyone to go to. Scott was 19 at the time so he wasn't allowed to legally look after me and when we contacted our father he said he wasn't able to look after us because of his new family and that he would send a little bit of money each month. Then Marcus's mum arrived on behalf of the council and tried to take me into foster care and away from Scott. There was a whole legal battle, we won but we got no support from our Dad. He has hardly contacted us since"

"I could never imagine someone having to go  through that." Corbyn came over and hugged me and I could just feel my tears falling. "I'll come visit you. I'll keep you company as you deserve more people to look out for you."

"No Corbyn, you don't have to. You'll have to do stuff with your band and you hardly know me."

"But I'll try my best and even though I do hardly know you, I wish I knew you better."

"Are you sure?"



We ended up watching Netflix until we'd finish season 1 of the good place where we started season 2. I was exhausted and could feel my eyes dropping. I eventually fell asleep with my head on his chest and a small smile on my still slightly tear stained face

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