Chapter 2 - A Handsome Piano Teacher

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My name is Ana Jones.

I am seventeen years old and the day of my brother's death my boyfriend disappeared.

Nobody has heard from him after that day and he never answered any of my calls.

I remember him being different that afternoon, like he was anticipating something bad.

Maybe he's the one who murdered my little brother.

Maybe he was just scared after the gun shot and ran off.

We will never know for sure who killed my brother because the murderer's gun was found near the scene, on the ground, without any finger prints.

I still miss him. I stilll miss my brother and Ashton.

I even miss my father who used to tell me funny stories when I was sad.

But now, one of them is dead, and the other two ran off.

In a way, the three most important men in my life simply disappeared and left me.

Maybe my dad is the killer, maybe a stranger did it.

I dont know what to believe now.

The only thing I know is that Ashton left with a piece of my heart when he disapeared, leaving me alone with a murderer, and my dad broke the rest by starting a new family somewhere far away without my mother and me.

One day everything was fine and the other I was living a nightmare that doesn't seem to end.

Sometimes I remember the past and try to fake like I'm still happy.

Like the day I first met Ashton. It was a sunny day of January, the twenty-first to be exact, and I was studying for my chemistry test.



''I hate chemistry. Why do I need to take chemistry when I'll be studying to be an art teacher in college?'' I asked myself trying to memorize the periodic table of elements.

I had been studying for at least half an hour now and I couldn't remember any of it.

I gave up, took my science book and my bag and quickly walked out of the library.

I must of not been paying attention to where I was going because I walked into someone and drop my book on the floor.

"Sorry", I mumbled ashamed of my moment of carelessness.

"No worries ", a boy said grabing my binder.

He handed it to me and there was that akward moment when our hands touched and I thought; ''Wow that's what I call chemistry''.

I looked up and stared into his blue eyes. He was strong and handsome. He looked like he played sports, maybe football.

"Thank you", I said trying to control my blushing.

I started my way out of the library again. He stopped me and told me something about science I didn't really hear.

"Ana? Ana are you listening?"

"Ya, ya I am". I answered shaking my head to wake up myself. "Wait, you know my name?"

"Ya. Everybody knows your name. Your the junior who won the first place at the art contest last year". He said with an obvious tone. "By the way I'm Ashton."

"Oh, well hi Ashton, I would love to stay here and talk but I seriously need to study for my chemistry exam." I said in a hury."If I fail the science class, I'll have to do summer school. Again."

"I could help you if you want", he told me smirking.

"Sure", I answered, trying to hide my smile.


We ended up going back in the library.

He helped me study and I got an 86% on that exam wich was my best mark of the year in science.

We started spending time together, talking about everything and nothing.

He was a senior, was pretty good in science and did not had a girlfriend.

I also learned that he played football when he was a freshman but stopped to focus on his music career. He was a pianist, a very talented one.

So one day I got him to meet my brother and they started playing piano together.

That is when Kyle decided he wanted to take lessons where Ashton worked.

In February, Ashton and I started dating.

We went out for more than six months and it was the best months of my entire life.

We went camping for a weekend, at the end of June.

Played cards every friday after his work, had romantic dates at fancy restaurants and spent every day we could together.

We fought a lot of times, but it was never a big deal.

He would buy me flowers, play me a song that he wrote about me, hold my hand when he felt like it and it was just perfect.

I had a great family and a loving boyfriend.

I didn't want anything ever to change but I guess I must of done something wrong because one day, he disapeared.

Just like that, after everything we had done together and been threw. He left me, all alone.

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