Chapter 11 - When Everything is Over

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My name is Ana Jones.

My brother was murdered and yet I don't feel more alive than he does.

After everything I've been threw, I don't know how I am still able to continue with my life.

Everyday something happens that makes me wonder about my life goals. If I even have some.

It makes me wonder what is my purpose on earth? Why was I born? To destroy everything around me? To be destroyed by everything around me?

Why am I still here wondering about those things.

I'm completely alone in a build up illusion.

My brother is dead.

My-I think is still my boyfriend-Ashton keeps running away.

My parent's aren't worth anything to me anymore and I don't seem to be worth anything to them either.

I mean by dad left because I reminded him of his perfect son and how he had a lot of potential and me, not really. He started a new life without the problems we had here.

After that my mom just became a mess and stopped taking care of me.

I met Karen and then thought she would love me. She took me in and treated me like her own daughter but she is obviously hiding a huge secret.

And I'm not ready to hear her ugly truth. The ugly truth of this chaos people call life.


I can't fake my happiness anymore.

I have to leave this world.

I stepped on the side of the bridge and looked down. It was past midnight and no one ever took this bridge.

It was the kind that was falling apart and where nobody was brave enough to take the chance on.

I took a big gulp of air, my last, and I prepared to jump.

STOP!” I heard someone behind me yell.

I turned around.


He grabbed me by the hips and lifted me off the ground bringing me closer to him and farther from the edge.

He came back just when I could be in danger. Again.

He hugged me hard and whispered:

What were you thinking?”

I... I... No one is there anymore, I'm all alone, and you were gone...” I answered tearing.

Well now I'm here and I'm not going anywhere.” He said pulling back and looking straight in my eyes. I'm not leaving you out of my sight.


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