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Tw: techno's soft side [idk if its a trigger but meh], Cards against humanity [ it's inappropriate        A/n: I'm doing this during my online classes so if somethings wrong that's why, i also grabbed a bottle of toothpicks instead of my drink, fun having only a few brain cells hm?
Wilbur walked away from Phil and Tulip "Tommy?" Wilbur asked looking around for his little brother. Wilbur looked in Tommy's room, the kitchen, the family study, and the rest of the house. Tommy was no where to be found. Wilbur walked outside to ask techno if he knew where the blonde would be, once he stepped outside he looked to the warm greenhouse they have to keep the flowers in and there they were. Techno and Tommy sitting in the greenhouse, Techno was standing behind Tommy smiling and playing with Tommy. Tommy made techno a flower crown that lined techno's actual crown, the flowers were a mix of tulips and roses. Wilbur burst through the door "I'm hurt! How dare you not invite me!?" Wilbur acted upset and being dramatic.

They all laughed until they couldn't breathe, Tommy calmed down and said "Wilbur! Look what Techno made for you!" he held a flower crown "hey, I thought we agreed not to tell him I made it!" Techno started tickling Tommy's sides, making Tommy start yelling "hey! st-stop that!" Tommy laughed while yelling at techno to stop. Wilbur ran over and started tickling as well "THIS ISN'T F-FAir!" Tommy yelled, his voice cracking at the end "it's what you get for running away and scaring us!" Wilbur laughed still ticking the blonde on the floor out of breath and smacking what he could away. Phil and Tulip heard the commotion, they ran towards the direction of the yelling. They made it to the greenhouse, Phil felt relieved his boys were okay and started laughing when Tulip started tickling 'the all mighty' Technoblade "hey!" now techno was being tackled by the blonde 4 year old, Wilbur was still attacking Tommy "NOT SO MIGHTY NOW TECH-" Tommy was yelling , then laughed at the end.

Phil decided to attack Wilbur since he was the only one that hasn't been attacked "hey!" Wilbur screamed as Phil attacked him. Tommy sat up catching his breath "h-hey dad?" Tommy said about to ask a question to Phil "something wrong Tommy?" Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Tommy "my back really hurts, I mean really bad. It's not my entire back just around my shoulders and spine" Tommy explained holding a place lower than what he explained "come here tommy" Phil motioned Tommy to go over to him, Tulip crawled over to Phil with Tommy. Phil lifted the back of Tommy's shirt up "Awe Tommy! You've got little wings!"

The more Phil lifted the back of Tommy's shirt up, the more Tommy's wings spread out. They weren't black nor white like normal wings, they were a gradient. The top was a bright blue down to red, the orange, and yellow. It was a weird set of colors but it looked pretty. The more Phil looked at them he noticed small white specks. Phil hugged Tommy "it's gonna be hard to wear a shirt without it hurting until you learn how to phase them through your shirt" Phil laughed a bit "Papa, their so pretty!" Tulip hugged Tommy as well. Wilbur and Techno just sat there surprised yet relieved that they didn't hurt the younger. Then it started again, they started tickling each other again. This time Tulip was playing with Tommy's wings as he tickled Wilbur for revenge. 

Like all good things this had to come to an end, now I know what you're thinking. No its not the end of family bonding time, it's just dinnertime. "alright boys, and Tulip, let's go into the house" Phil helped everyone up. Tommy got up and and grabbed Tulip "you get to taste Phil's awesome cooking" Tommy said to Tulip, trailing not far behind Phil "Oi stop lying to the poor girl" Phil opened the door, "he's not lying" Techno butted in "it's very good" Wilbur added. Phil just ignored them, "just accept the compliments, Dad" Tommy said setting Tulip down on the couch "Dad? You've never called me dad?" Phil smiled watching as tommy got blankets and picked Tulip sitting down, and sat her on his lap "so what? Is it bad to call you dad?" Tommy twisted to look at Phil who was in the kitchen "no, no. I've just never heard you call me dad before so it's new coming from you" Phil smiled at Tommy. He wanted to hug the boy but needed to think out dinner for everyone. Tommy liked steaks, and lasagna. The other two absolutely loved lasagna "how's lasagna sound?" Phil yelled from the kitchen "YES!" The pink and brown haired boys yelled in unison. Tommy just said sure more focused on keeping Tulip entertained. Phil could hear her giggles ringing trough the rooms. As much as he loved how Tommy was matured, he pondered if he would still be his loud, noisy, kid that loved to play games "Hey lets play some cards against humanity" Tommy yelled to make sure Phil heard him.

"Not till Tulip is asleep!" Phil replied walking to the living room "she already is" Tommy pointed to Wilbur. Just as Tommy said she was asleep on Wil's chest. "alright lets play" Phil grabbed the card box  from the game cabinet. He sat down setting the box down.

They played for a while, it was Phil's turn to read out a card "Honey, Mommy and daddy love each other very much. But apparently Mommy loves _______ more than she loves daddy" Phil read off, not long after the other three put cards on the table. He picked up the first cardand read "The shy kid in the corner" Phil chuckled and picked up the next one "Brown bears" He picked up the last one "Sacrificing Uncle Tim" Phil didn't even debate on which one to pick. It was Wilbur's card, "alright that's enough it's midnight" Phil waved everyone to their rooms. Wilbur gave the sleeping Tulip back to Tommy, and everyone went to bed for the night.  

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