18-I am icarus-

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Tw-metions of death, burning, story of icarus

-dreams pov-
Why did I give him the mask? Well that's so, when I finally leave the mortals down here he will be the new god that runs the world it'll become. He's already half way there. His wings are the other half. He needs to learn how to use them, how to fly.

I hope this kid won't turn into Icarus. He'll leave them all before he gets a chance to say bye to them. Flying to close to the sun, just to have his wings burn. He'll drown in the ocean below.

Let's hope that doesn't happen. Let me tell you a story, the story of Icarus.

Daedalus created two pairs of wax wings, for he and his son. He warned his son before flying from the island, don't fly too close to the sun nor too close to the ocean. Icarus ignore his father's warning and flew too close to the sun causing his wings to melt. His wings melted and he began to fall, as he fell he laughed. He met his demise, drowned in the ocean.

I am icarus, many people see my death as a tragedy. That is very wrong. In my opinion they did not tell you, when Apollo gave me wings they did not tell you that I knew I would burn in flames.  I knew, you see, I knew the agony I would face. And as I fell, as hot burning wax slithered down my spine, as seductive kisses of agony peppered My skin and muscle.

I laughed, I laughed, as where I saw beauty, others saw pain. I loved it. You see it was addictive and even Dionysus would Marvel at my insanity. There is no beauty without pain and now as I wait for judgment in the land of Hades.

I ask myself was it worth the fall for the sun? And I answer, yes, yes it was.

You see the story and the poem. That was icarus. That was me. I am icarus. I don't want to to end up as icarus, as me.

The fate I met was well worth flying to close to the sun. It was worth drowning in the the pain of wax burning my skin, it was worth my death. My death isn't known in this world but it is known in the world I once lived in, my name was never dream, nor icarus. I may not remember but I know someone else who does. Once the portal opens again, I shall be free, and he shall tell me who I was. What I was meant to find in thus World.

You don't need to die to be a god. You do not need wings, or a halo. All you need is people to gather around your grave, for you to notice this was no accident. As though I am dead, Tommy isn't. Tommy's wings are not wax, he isn't a god. He is only a child who has learned the cruel ways of the world. He has met a horrible fate... A fate he cannot escape from.

The fate being something I cannot tell, but it'll show as he grows. His wings will grow or they will melt, its his decision to keep them safe, or lose them as though I have.

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